(short, 1-3 sentenced, description of the project)
This project framework provides the following features:
- Feature 1
- Feature 2
- ...
(ideally very short, if any)
- OS
- Library version
- ...
az cognitiveservices account create \
--name demo-cognitive-services \
--resource-group rg-demo-cog-serv-eastus \
--kind SpeechServices \
--sku F0 \
--location eastus \
export REACT_APP_ComputerVisionKey=123456
(ideally very short)
- npm install [package name]
- mvn install
- ...
(Add steps to get up and running quickly)
- git clone [repository clone url]
- cd [respository name]
- ...
A demo app is included to show how to use the project.
To run the demo, follow these steps:
(Add steps to start up the demo)
(Any additional resources or related projects)
- Link to supporting information
- Link to similar sample
- ...