Markdown to single HTML converter.
The md2html converts Markdown to a single file HTML.
All scripts and css will be embeded in the file
and thus the converted file is viewable even offline.
Additionally, the md2html has option to embed image to HTML by base64 encode
and hence the file is conveyable without any resources.
The html file is generated by following command
$ md2html example/*.md -e -t -m -s -f example/img/nocd5.png -o gh-pages/index.html
GO111MODULE=on go get
md2html -i <input Markdown> [-o <output HTML>] [-e] [-t] [-m] [-s] [-f <path to icon>]
if -o
option was abbreviated, input Markdown file name
+ .html
will be used as output HTML file name.
option enables embedding images that are located local storage by Base64 encoding.
option enables generating TOC.
option enables using MathJax.
option enables using rowspan/colspan for table tag
-f/--favicon <path/to/icon>
option enables embedding icon for favicon
-c/--css <path/to/css>
option enables additional CSS
Please execute the following commands to make example files.
# make html files from each markdown files
$ md2html -e example/*.md
# make a concatinated single html file from markdown files
$ md2html -e -t example/*.md -o example/concat.html
$ go get -d
$ cd ${GOPATH}/src/
# customize "{$GOPATH}/src/" #
$ npm intall && gulp
$ assets.go.rb
$ go install