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Add TK Wave kernels to conv benchmark #146

Add TK Wave kernels to conv benchmark

Add TK Wave kernels to conv benchmark #146

Workflow file for this run

name: Performance
- cron: "0 9 * * *"
# A PR number if a pull request and otherwise the commit hash. This cancels
# queued and in-progress runs for the same PR (presubmit) or commit
# (postsubmit). The workflow name is prepended to avoid conflicts between
# different workflows.
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.number || github.sha }}
cancel-in-progress: true
runs-on: mi300-sdxl-kernel
- name: "Checkout Repo"
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup venv
run: |
python3.11 -m venv bench_venv
source bench_venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --pre --no-cache-dir --find-links iree-base-compiler iree-base-runtime --upgrade
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install --no-compile --pre --upgrade -e common_tools
pip install iree-turbine@git+
- name: Convolutions
run: |
source bench_venv/bin/activate
python convbench/
- name: TK Convolutions
run: |
source bench_venv/bin/activate
python convbench/ --tk
- name: Attention
run: |
source bench_venv/bin/activate
python attentionbench/
- name: TK GEMM
run: |
source bench_venv/bin/activate
python gemmbench/ --tk
- name: GEMM
run: |
source bench_venv/bin/activate
python gemmbench/
- name: Roofline Plots
run: |
source bench_venv/bin/activate
python convbench/ --roofline results/iree_conv.csv --plot results/iree_conv_i8.png --dtype i8
python convbench/ --roofline results/iree_conv.csv --plot results/iree_conv_f16.png --dtype f16
python convbench/ --roofline results/iree_conv_tk.csv --plot results/iree_conv_tk_i8.png --dtype i8
python convbench/ --roofline results/iree_conv_tk.csv --plot results/iree_conv_tk_f16.png --dtype f16
python convbench/ --roofline results/iree_attention.csv --plot results/iree_attention_fp16.png --dtype f16
python convbench/ --roofline results/iree_attention.csv --plot results/iree_attention_fp8.png --dtype f8E4M3FNUZ
python convbench/ --roofline results/iree_gemm.csv --plot results/iree_gemm.png
python convbench/ --roofline results/iree_gemm_tk.csv --plot results/iree_gemm_tk.png
python convbench/ --roofline results/iree_gemm.csv,results/iree_gemm_tk.csv,results/iree_attention.csv,results/iree_conv.csv,results/iree_conv_tk.csv --plot results/combined.png
- name: Upload benchmark results
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: benchmark-results
path: ./results/