feat: update package manager versions #1145
10 errors
AssertionError: expected { exitCode: 1, stdout: '', …(1) } to match object { exitCode: +0, stderr: '' }
(1 matching property omitted from actual)
- Expected
+ Received
Object {
- "exitCode": 0,
- "stderr": "",
+ "exitCode": 1,
+ "stderr": "D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21609
+ throw new Error(
+ ^
+ Error: Error when performing the request to https://repo.yarnpkg.com/4.5.2/packages/yarnpkg-cli/bin/yarn.js; for troubleshooting help, see https://github.com/nodejs/corepack#troubleshooting
+ at fetch (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21609:11)
+ at async fetchUrlStream (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21639:20)
+ ... 4 lines matching cause stack trace ...
+ at async Object.runMain (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:23102:5) {
+ [cause]: Error: No mock found for https://repo.yarnpkg.com/4.5.2/packages/yarnpkg-cli/bin/yarn.js; run the tests with NOCK_ENV=record to generate one
+ at globalThis.fetch (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\tests\\recordRequests.js:79:22)
+ at fetch (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21603:33)
+ at async fetchUrlStream (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21639:20)
+ at async download (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21762:18)
+ at async installVersion (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21854:55)
+ at async Engine.ensurePackageManager (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:22316:32)
+ at async Engine.executePackageManagerRequest (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:22416:25)
+ at async Object.runMain (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:23102:5)
+ }
+ Node.js v22.11.0
+ ",
❯ tests/main.test.ts:286:5
❯ NodeFS.mktempPromise .yarn/cache/@yarnpkg-fslib-npm-3.1.0-821f4faf89-e327aaf73f.zip/node_modules/@yarnpkg/fslib/lib/xfs.js:86:24
❯ tests/main.test.ts:281:3
AssertionError: expected { exitCode: 1, stdout: '', …(1) } to match object { exitCode: +0, stderr: '' }
(1 matching property omitted from actual)
- Expected
+ Received
Object {
- "exitCode": 0,
- "stderr": "",
+ "exitCode": 1,
+ "stderr": "D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21609
+ throw new Error(
+ ^
+ Error: Error when performing the request to https://repo.yarnpkg.com/4.5.2/packages/yarnpkg-cli/bin/yarn.js; for troubleshooting help, see https://github.com/nodejs/corepack#troubleshooting
+ at fetch (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21609:11)
+ at async fetchUrlStream (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21639:20)
+ ... 4 lines matching cause stack trace ...
+ at async Object.runMain (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:23102:5) {
+ [cause]: Error: No mock found for https://repo.yarnpkg.com/4.5.2/packages/yarnpkg-cli/bin/yarn.js; run the tests with NOCK_ENV=record to generate one
+ at globalThis.fetch (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\tests\\recordRequests.js:79:22)
+ at fetch (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21603:33)
+ at async fetchUrlStream (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21639:20)
+ at async download (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21762:18)
+ at async installVersion (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21854:55)
+ at async Engine.ensurePackageManager (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:22316:32)
+ at async Engine.executePackageManagerRequest (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:22416:25)
+ at async Object.runMain (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:23102:5)
+ }
+ Node.js v22.11.0
+ ",
❯ tests/main.test.ts:286:5
❯ NodeFS.mktempPromise .yarn/cache/@yarnpkg-fslib-npm-3.1.0-821f4faf89-e327aaf73f.zip/node_modules/@yarnpkg/fslib/lib/xfs.js:86:24
❯ tests/main.test.ts:281:3
AssertionError: expected { exitCode: 1, stdout: '', …(1) } to match object { exitCode: +0, stderr: '' }
(1 matching property omitted from actual)
- Expected
+ Received
Object {
- "exitCode": 0,
- "stderr": "",
+ "exitCode": 1,
+ "stderr": "D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21609
+ throw new Error(
+ ^
+ Error: Error when performing the request to https://repo.yarnpkg.com/4.5.2/packages/yarnpkg-cli/bin/yarn.js; for troubleshooting help, see https://github.com/nodejs/corepack#troubleshooting
+ at fetch (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21609:11)
+ at async fetchUrlStream (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21639:20)
+ ... 4 lines matching cause stack trace ...
+ at async Object.runMain (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:23102:5) {
+ [cause]: Error: No mock found for https://repo.yarnpkg.com/4.5.2/packages/yarnpkg-cli/bin/yarn.js; run the tests with NOCK_ENV=record to generate one
+ at globalThis.fetch (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\tests\\recordRequests.js:79:22)
+ at fetch (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21603:33)
+ at async fetchUrlStream (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21639:20)
+ at async download (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21762:18)
+ at async installVersion (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21854:55)
+ at async Engine.ensurePackageManager (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:22316:32)
+ at async Engine.executePackageManagerRequest (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:22416:25)
+ at async Object.runMain (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:23102:5)
+ }
+ Node.js v22.11.0
+ ",
❯ tests/main.test.ts:286:5
❯ NodeFS.mktempPromise .yarn/cache/@yarnpkg-fslib-npm-3.1.0-821f4faf89-e327aaf73f.zip/node_modules/@yarnpkg/fslib/lib/xfs.js:86:24
❯ tests/main.test.ts:281:3
AssertionError: expected { exitCode: 1, stdout: '', …(1) } to match object { stdout: '10.9.1\n', exitCode: +0 }
(1 matching property omitted from actual)
- Expected
+ Received
Object {
- "exitCode": 0,
- "stdout": "10.9.1
- ",
+ "exitCode": 1,
+ "stdout": "",
❯ tests/main.test.ts:313:7
❯ NodeFS.mktempPromise .yarn/cache/@yarnpkg-fslib-npm-3.1.0-821f4faf89-e327aaf73f.zip/node_modules/@yarnpkg/fslib/lib/xfs.js:86:24
❯ tests/main.test.ts:308:5
AssertionError: expected { exitCode: 1, stdout: '', …(1) } to match object { stdout: '10.9.1\n', exitCode: +0 }
(1 matching property omitted from actual)
- Expected
+ Received
Object {
- "exitCode": 0,
- "stdout": "10.9.1
- ",
+ "exitCode": 1,
+ "stdout": "",
❯ tests/main.test.ts:313:7
❯ NodeFS.mktempPromise .yarn/cache/@yarnpkg-fslib-npm-3.1.0-821f4faf89-e327aaf73f.zip/node_modules/@yarnpkg/fslib/lib/xfs.js:86:24
❯ tests/main.test.ts:308:5
AssertionError: expected { exitCode: 1, stdout: '', …(1) } to match object { stdout: '10.9.1\n', exitCode: +0 }
(1 matching property omitted from actual)
- Expected
+ Received
Object {
- "exitCode": 0,
- "stdout": "10.9.1
- ",
+ "exitCode": 1,
+ "stdout": "",
❯ tests/main.test.ts:313:7
❯ NodeFS.mktempPromise .yarn/cache/@yarnpkg-fslib-npm-3.1.0-821f4faf89-e327aaf73f.zip/node_modules/@yarnpkg/fslib/lib/xfs.js:86:24
❯ tests/main.test.ts:308:5
AssertionError: expected { exitCode: 1, stdout: '', …(1) } to match object { stdout: '9.14.2\n', exitCode: +0 }
(1 matching property omitted from actual)
- Expected
+ Received
Object {
- "exitCode": 0,
- "stdout": "9.14.2
- ",
+ "exitCode": 1,
+ "stdout": "",
❯ tests/main.test.ts:313:7
❯ NodeFS.mktempPromise .yarn/cache/@yarnpkg-fslib-npm-3.1.0-821f4faf89-e327aaf73f.zip/node_modules/@yarnpkg/fslib/lib/xfs.js:86:24
❯ tests/main.test.ts:308:5
AssertionError: expected { exitCode: 1, stdout: '', …(1) } to match object { stdout: '9.14.2\n', exitCode: +0 }
(1 matching property omitted from actual)
- Expected
+ Received
Object {
- "exitCode": 0,
- "stdout": "9.14.2
- ",
+ "exitCode": 1,
+ "stdout": "",
❯ tests/main.test.ts:313:7
❯ NodeFS.mktempPromise .yarn/cache/@yarnpkg-fslib-npm-3.1.0-821f4faf89-e327aaf73f.zip/node_modules/@yarnpkg/fslib/lib/xfs.js:86:24
❯ tests/main.test.ts:308:5
AssertionError: expected { exitCode: 1, stdout: '', …(1) } to match object { stdout: '9.14.2\n', exitCode: +0 }
(1 matching property omitted from actual)
- Expected
+ Received
Object {
- "exitCode": 0,
- "stdout": "9.14.2
- ",
+ "exitCode": 1,
+ "stdout": "",
❯ tests/main.test.ts:313:7
❯ NodeFS.mktempPromise .yarn/cache/@yarnpkg-fslib-npm-3.1.0-821f4faf89-e327aaf73f.zip/node_modules/@yarnpkg/fslib/lib/xfs.js:86:24
❯ tests/main.test.ts:308:5
AssertionError: expected { exitCode: 1, stdout: '', …(1) } to match object { Object (stdout, stderr, ...) }
- Expected
+ Received
Object {
- "exitCode": 0,
- "stderr": "",
- "stdout": "9.14.2
+ "exitCode": 1,
+ "stderr": "D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21609
+ throw new Error(
+ ^
+ Error: Error when performing the request to https://registry.npmjs.org/pnpm/-/pnpm-9.14.2.tgz; for troubleshooting help, see https://github.com/nodejs/corepack#troubleshooting
+ at fetch (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21609:11)
+ at async fetchUrlStream (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21639:20)
+ ... 4 lines matching cause stack trace ...
+ at async Object.runMain (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:23102:5) {
+ [cause]: Error: No mock found for https://registry.npmjs.org/pnpm/-/pnpm-9.14.2.tgz; run the tests with NOCK_ENV=record to generate one
+ at globalThis.fetch (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\tests\\recordRequests.js:79:22)
+ at fetch (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21603:33)
+ at async fetchUrlStream (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21639:20)
+ at async download (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21762:18)
+ at async installVersion (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:21854:55)
+ at async Engine.ensurePackageManager (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:22316:32)
+ at async Engine.executePackageManagerRequest (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:22416:25)
+ at async Object.runMain (D:\\a\\corepack\\corepack\\dist\\lib\\corepack.cjs:23102:5)
+ }
+ Node.js v22.11.0
+ "stdout": "",
❯ tests/main.test.ts:437:5
❯ NodeFS.mktempPromise .yarn/cache/@yarnpkg-fslib-npm-3.1.0-821f4faf89-e327aaf73f.zip/node_modules/@yarnpkg/fslib/lib/xfs.js:86:24
❯ tests/main.test.ts:414:3
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.