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🐴 Pony package for building text-based user interfaces in ANSI terminals.


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Termax for Pony

Not ready for production yet. Expect API changes for a little while.

The termax package provides support for building text-based user interfaces for terminals. This package is based on the standard library's term package, offering backward compatibilti while adding functionality to help build richer text-based UIs.

API Documentation'

Core API Overview

Object Type Summary
TerminalNotify interface Implement this when setting up input handling
TermOptions class Create an instance to configure Terminal if you want to change the defaults
Terminal actor Sets up an interactive terminal and sends input events via TerminalNotify
  └── EasyTerminal primitive Use to create a pre-configured Terminal that uses standard input.
TerminalEscapeCodes trait Defines functions that return the ANSI and other terminal escape codes
  └── Term primitive Use to get escape codes
TerminalTextFormatting trait Defines convenient text formatting functions
  └── TermText primitive Use to format text
TerminalDrawing trait Defines convenient text formatting functions
  └── TermDraw primitive Use to format text
GridChars trait Defines line style characters used when drawing box/grids
  └── SingleSolidLine primitive Single solid line style
  └── SingleDashedLine primitive Single dashed line style
  └── DoubleSolidLine primitive Double solid line style
FillPattern primitive Convenient list of characters that are useful as fill patterns.


Rhe following objects are available for compatibility with term in the standard library.

  • ANSI with functions to obtain the escape/control codes
  • ANSINotify which defines the interface for events from the terminal control
  • ANSITerm which is used to setup the terminal input processing.


In addition to the functionality provided by the standard library's term package, termax adds the following capabilities:

  • Mouse input handling
  • Screen switching between normal and alternate buffers
  • Improved cursor management, including hiding the cursor
  • Capturing SIGINT and SIGTSTP to support Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Z as regular inputs


  • Install corral
  • corral add
  • corral fetch to fetch your dependencies
  • use "termax" to include this package
  • corral run -- ponyc to compile your application



Build the example with ponyc -o bin examples/simple and run bin/simple to launch it.

use "termax"

class _Listen is TerminalNotify
  let _out: OutStream

  new iso create(env': Env) =>
    _out = env'.out
    _out.print("Press Ctrl-C to exit.\nType away ...")

  fun ref apply(term: Terminal ref, input: U8 val) =>
    match input
    | 3 => term.dispose()
    | if (input >= 32) and (input < 127) => _out.write([input])
    else _out.>write("[" + input.string() + "]")

actor Main
  new create(env: Env) =>
    let term = EasyTerminal(env, _Listen(env))


Build the mouse-handling example with ponyc -o bin examples/mousing and run bin/mousing to launch it. The following shows the example in use.

Mousing example video


Build the drawing example with ponyc -o bin examples/drawing and run bin/drawing to launch it. The following shows the example in use.

Drawing example screenshot

Using Corral

The using_corral can be used to test using termax via corral. Run the following commands to build the example:

cd examples/using_corral
corral fetch
corral run -- ponyc -o bin

Now you can run bin/using_corral to try the app.


Bug reports and sugestions are welcome. Otherwise, at this time, this project is closed for code changes and pull requests. I appreciate your understanding.

This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The library is available as open source under the terms of the BSD-2 License.


  1. Build your own Command Line with ANSI escape codes -
  2. ANSI Escape Sequences -
  3. Everything you never wanted to know about ANSI escape codes -
  4. Turn on raw mode in terminal using <termios.h> -
  5. XTerm Control Sequences -
  6. Complete list of ASCII codes -


🐴 Pony package for building text-based user interfaces in ANSI terminals.



Code of conduct





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