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feamster committed Oct 2, 2024
1 parent 9945e87 commit 4585a15
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Showing 20 changed files with 1,491 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added docs/final/2023/dns.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added docs/final/2023/exam.pdf
Binary file not shown.
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions docs/final/2023/exam.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@

% Set variables
\newcommand{\lecture}{Security, Privacy, and Consumer Protection}
\newcommand{\shortlecture}{Security, Privacy, Consumer Protection}
\newcommand{\term}{Fall 2023}

% Import exam template
% Use \usepackage[]{feamster} to print the exam that students will take
% Use \usepackage[solution]{feamster} to print the solution





% Create the title page


% Questions
300 changes: 300 additions & 0 deletions docs/final/2023/feamster.sty
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
\ProvidesPackage{feamster}[2018/03/28 Feamster Exams]



% 45 degree column titles

% start \section on new page






% headers/footers
\lhead[\fancyplain{}{\bf Page \thepage ~of~\pageref{LastPage}}]%
{\shortlecture{} \exam{}, \term{}}
\rfoot[{\bf Initials: \shortanswer{.5}{}}]%
{{\bf Initials: \shortanswer{.5}{}}}
\rhead[\shortlecture{} \exam{}, \term{}]%
{\fancyplain{}{\bf Page \thepage ~of~\pageref{LastPage}}}

% Sections

% Support for rendering of solutions
% Pass option "solution" to package to switch to solution mode

\setversion{quiz} % default

\setversion{solution} %override




% Different formatting based on version
\ifthenelse{\equal{\version}{solution}}{%IS SOLUTION
link-correct/.style={ultra thick},
path-correct/.style={thick, color=blue!50!green, mark=x}
} {

% Creates a text box in which students can write their answer.
% First argument specifies the height of the box
% Second argument gives the solution
\tikz\draw (0,0) rectangle node[align=left, text width = .95\textwidth] {\textbf{Solution:} #2} (\textwidth, #1 * 1.5cm) node[above, anchor = south east] {(Answer inside the box)};%
} {
\tikz\draw (0,0) rectangle (\textwidth, #1 * 1.5cm) node[above, anchor = south east] {(Answer inside the box)};%

\tikz[baseline=(x.base)]\draw (0,0) rectangle node (x) {\textbf{#2}\vphantom{Aq}} (#1 * 1.5cm, 1.5cm);%
\tikz[baseline=(x.base)]\draw (0,0) rectangle node (x) {\vphantom{Aq}} (#1 * 1.5cm, 1.5cm);%

\tikz[]\draw (0,0) -- node[above] (char) {#2} (#1 * 1.5cm, 0);%
\tikz\draw (0,0) -- (#1 * 1.5cm, 0);%

\tikz[baseline=(char.base)]{\draw circle (1.2ex) node[right=1ex] (char) {#1\vphantom{Aq}};}%
\draw[bubble-correct] circle (1.2ex) node[right=1ex] (char) {#1\vphantom{Aq}};%
\draw circle (1.2ex) node[right=1ex] (char) {#1\vphantom{Aq}};%


\node[shape=circle,draw, thick, inner sep=1pt, overlay] (char) {\textbf{#1}};%

\filldraw[fill=black] circle (1.2ex) node[right=1ex] (char) {#1};
\draw (-1.4, 0) circle (1.2ex);
\draw[overlay, thick] ($(-1.4, 0) + (-6pt, 4pt)$) -- (-1.4, -.05);
\draw[overlay, thick] ($(-1.4, 0) + (12pt, 8pt)$) -- (-1.4, -.05);
\draw (-.7, 0) circle (1.2ex);
\filldraw[fill=black] (-.7, 0) circle (.3ex);
\draw circle (1.2ex) node[right=1ex] (char) {#1};
\draw[thick, overlay] (-6pt, 6pt) -- (6pt, -6pt);
\draw[thick, overlay] (-6pt, -6pt) -- (6pt, 6pt);

% Track total number of points


% uses these macros to delimit problems
\bf\thepctr. ~[#1~ point]:
\bf\thepctr. ~[#1~ points]:
{\\\begin{tabular}{cr} \hspace{3in} & {\bf (#1)} \\ \end{tabular}}

\bf\thepctr. ~[#1~ point]:
\bf\thepctr. ~[#1~ points]:

% Compact itemize and enumerate. Note that they use the same counters and
% symbols as the usual itemize and enumerate environments.
\def\compactify{\itemsep=0pt \topsep=0pt \partopsep=0pt \parsep=0pt}

% Titlepage


\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]
\node at ($(current page.north)+(0, -3cm)$) (logo) {\includegraphics[width=4cm]{princeton}};
{\LARGE \textbf{\exam{} \solution{-- Solution}}} \\[1.2ex]
{\Large \textbf{\lecture{} \\[1.1 ex] \term{}}} \\[1ex]

% This is the box on the first page with overall quiz information

There are \underline{\total{TotalQuestions} questions} and \underline{\pageref{LastPage}
pages} in this quiz booklet (including this page). There are {\bf
\total{TotalPoints} total points}, and you have {\bf \totaltime{} minutes} to answer the
questions. Answer each question according to the instructions given.\\
\textbf{Do not open this exam booklet until instructed to do so.}


Print your answers legibly. The intended answers fit within the
spaces provided on the question sheets. \textbf{You will only be graded on the answers that are within the provided answer boxes, figures or tables}.
If you find a question ambiguous, state any assumptions you make.


\textbf{Open notes policy:} You are only allowed to use \textbf{printed
lecture slides and course readings} and \textbf{a single two-sided letter-sized note sheet}.
No books, no notes, no other materials, no phones, no computers, no
laptops, no PDAs, etc., unless otherwise noted.

\vspace{0.5 em}

(1)~Write your initials here to indicate that you've read the instructions: \shortanswer{1.5}{}

(2)~ All students are bound by the university's academic integrity rules and requirements. In the space below, write out and sign the Princeton Honor Code pledge before turning in the exam: ``I pledge my honor that I have not violated the Honor Code during this examination.''

\tikz\draw (0,0) rectangle (\textwidth, 2 * 1.5cm) node[above, anchor = south east] {};

(3)~ Write your name and netID in the space below AND your initials at the bottom of each page of this booklet.

{\bf\Large{Name:} \shortanswer{5}{} }

{\bf\Large{NetID:} \shortanswer{5}{} }

13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions docs/final/2023/instructions.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@

There are {\bf
\total{TotalPoints} total points}.
When asked to provide your answer within a figure or table, be careful to not
exceed box boundaries. Bubbles must be filled out completely:
\correctbubble{is correct,} \incorrectbubble{are incorrect}
All answers must be given within the provided circles, answer boxes,
figures or tables.
Write your full name in the box to acknowledge the instructions.
\shortanswerbox{3.25}{Nick Feamster}
Binary file added docs/final/2023/lightbeam.png
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Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added docs/final/2023/oauth.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.

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