A Clojure library designed to lower the friction between trying things out in the repl and making unit tests to make sure they keep working.
Use poirot/dump to stash data in a file, and poirot/restore to access that data from a unit test.
Poirot uses transit to store and restore data, and you can pass in your own transit handlers in the optional opts map for each function.
user=> (require '[org.noisesmith.poirot :as poirot])
user=> (poirot/dump (f) "weird-data")
(ns my-project.foo-test
(:require [my-project.foo :refer :all]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]
[org.noisesmith.poirot :as poirot]))
(deftest weird-data-test
(let [weird-input (poirot/restore "./test/data/weird-data.transit.json")]
(is (ok? (foo weird-input)))))
Copyright © 2017 Justin Glenn Smith [email protected]
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.