Charity volunteering app where charities can list opportunities and volunteers can search for them!
node.js v16.0.0
into the folder you want to have the project.
git clone
npm install
npm start
will open local version of the console and QR codes.
Download Expo in PlayStore and Apple Store.
Change the connection into tunnel
to get a new QR code so all the members of the team can have access to the App into their mobile.
Create a new branch for the github repository with a name appropriate for the feature you're adding or changes you're making.
git checkout -b branch_name
git status
Add the files you've modified.
git add file_name another_file_name
Run a fix command to fix these errors automatically. You may need to save some modified files, you can check if you've made new changes by using git status
npm run fix
git push origin branch_name