This extension adds support for the Solidity programming language, providing syntax highlighting and language server functionality for smart contract development.
- Syntax highlighting for solidity files
- Language server support via vscode-solidity-server
- Auto-installation and updates of the language server
- Independent from framework dependencies
- Code completion and diagnostics (broken)
To develop this extension, see the Developing Extensions section of the Zed docs.
You can configure the language server behavior through initialization options in your Zed settings:
Reminder! This is mostly untested WIP, barely any settings have been tested.
"lsp": {
"solidity": {
"initialization_options": {
"solidity": {
// Path to local solc binary (optional)
"compilerPath": "/usr/local/bin/solc",
// Compiler optimization settings
"optimizer": {
"enabled": true,
"runs": 200
// Enable/disable certain features
"enabledFeatures": {
"completion": true,
"hover": true,
"diagnostics": true,
"codeActions": true
- Node.js (for the language server)
- Zed editor
This is an initial developmental version with basic functionality. Future updates will include:
- Better integration with development frameworks (hardhat/forge)
- Import resolution
- Enhanced type checking
Feel free to open issues and submit pull requests. All contributions are welcome!
- JoranHonig Tree-sitter grammar: tree-sitter-solidity
- Juan Blanco's VScode Solidity Language Server: vscode-solidity-server
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the file for details.
Copyright © 2025-present Sambot ([email protected])