A community governed crypto-currency exchange software.
This software is being developed to accomplish several things. Foremost though, it is an open-source digital assets trading platform (currently in development).
Currently, the software only runs on Testnet servers. No actual Bitcoin or USD is traded. Changing this happens in only 3 lines of code though :).
The community should have more authority on how an exchange that they put their money into should be ran. From associated fees to exchange limits, we finally take this power from corporations -- and puts it back into the community. (planned) Using an Ethereum based voting solution the community will drive the majority of functioning.
While currently only USD and BTC are supported, other coins are in the works. More specifically Litecoin, Ethereum, and Ripple.
Trade digital assets based on binary options.
This is perhaps the most attractive feature planned for this project. To combat fee manipulation, there are hopes to implement a dividends pool which will encourage users to pay higher fees. Dividends will be distrubted amongst a top X % of traders (not based on profit/loss). While associated fees will still be lower than industry price, those fees (mostly) will be contributed to the pool so that it is reinvested into the users which generated income. Instead of fees going to corporations, we should be earning dividends on digital assets invested.
User registration / login
USD Funding via Credit Card (uses Paypal SDK)
Generate BTC Wallets and Addresses. (Currently not saved to profile, but works)
Submit USD<->BTC orders (Orders currently not executed though)
Basic data integrity using Blockchain style comparison
Laravel 5
Demo: (Only those with this link will find it. Design is horrible.)
See a full list of features, plans, and issues here!
<- Set your MySQL Database information here
Import the SQL script in the master-dev root folder.
This project relies on the BlockCypher SDK to generate Bitcoin addresses and wallets. Visit https://blockcypher.com/ to create a key. Download the SDK here.
Set your token in ~/exchange/app/Http/Controllers/BitcoindController.php
This project relies on the PayPal-SDK to process payments. Visit https://developer.paypal.com/ to create an app.
Set your app credentials in ~/exchange/app/Http/Controllers/PaymentGateway/PaypalController.php
To ensure your SDK's are loaded, please use the following directory format unless otherwise specified in ~/exchange/public/index.php
---- exchange
---- app .... {laravel-folder-contents} | Install laravel under ~/exchange/{app,public,vendor, etc}
---- public
---- resources
---- PayPal-SDK
---- BlockCypher