These are some patterns I use from day to day when writing PureScript FFI code, I call them best practices, but no need to take them too seriously, use your own judgement. To understand why a foreign import
works or doesn't work, the best way is looking into the generated JavaScript code in the output
folder directly.
- Use arrow functions to curry manually
- No type class constraint in foreign import
- Use Json to interoperate
- Use Promise for async code
└── Practice
├── ArrowFunction
│ ├── Main.js
│ ├── Main.purs
│ └──
Each practice lives in its own folder inside src/Practice
, each folder contains three files. Main.purs
is auto-extracted from
, so it's recommended to open Main.js
side by side.
You can also run each practice separately
spago build
spago run -m Practice.ArrowFunction.Main
spago run -m Practice.Promise.Main
All src/**/Main.purs
are extracted from src/**/
by sed.
Run find src/**/ | entr -s ./
to regenerate Main.purs on README changes.
Support my open source works by hiring me, or using Hunch. Hunch is a website builder written in Haskell and PureScript.