Supports CLI use as well as a library in your Node.js project.
#This is a work in progress, so feel free to contribute :)
If npm is installed:
npm install -g rpi3-audio-player
Or, if you prefer local installation:
npm install rpi3-audio-player
To use as a library, simply:
const player = require('rpi3-audio-player');
To use rpi3-audio player, audio tracks must be placed in the ~/Music directory...
rpi3-audio-player play
#will play music from ~/Music
Or pass the path of a single mp3 file:
rpi3-audio-player <path/to/file.mp3>
rpi3-audio-player can also be passed the path of a directory with .mp3's inside it.
rpi3-audio-player <path/to/directory/with/*.mp3>
##More features coming soon!