A list of github accounts of various news organizations. This list powers the @newsnerdrepos Twitterbot. List maintained by kleinmatic and silva-shih.
- Al Jazeera Interactive
- American Public Media
- Associated Press
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution
- Austin American-Statesman
- Bangor Daily News
- BBC News
- BBC News Labs
- BBC Visual Journalism
- Berliner Morgenpost
- Bloomberg
- Bloomberg Media
- Bloomberg Visual Data
- Boston Globe
- BuzzFeed
- BuzzFeedNews
- Buzzfeed OpenLab
- Chicago Tribune News Applications Team
- Dallas Morning News
- Denver Post
- Digital First Media's Thunderdome
- Dow Jones
- Financial Times
- FT Chinese Developers
- FT Chinese Editorial
- FT Interactive
- FT Labs
- First Look Media
- Five Thirty Eight
- Gannett Digital
- Gawker Media
- Guardian
- Hartford Courant
- Huffington Post Data
- Initium Lab 端傳媒
- Inside Energy
- La Nación (Buenos Aires)
- La Nación (Costa Rica)
- Le Monde
- Los Angeles Times Data Desk
- Marshall Project
- McClatchy Company
- Miami Herald
- Mic News
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel DataHub
- MinnPost
- Mother Jones
- National Geographic
- Newsday
- New York Magazine
- New York Times
- New York Times newsroom developers
- NPR Tech
- NPR Viz
- NYT The Upshot
- Onion
- Orlando Sentinel
- Palm Beach Post
- ProPublica
- Quartz
- Register-Guard (Eugene, Ore.)
- Reporter 報導者
- Reveal/CIR
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- St. Louis Public Radio
- Seattle Times
- Southern California Public Radio
- Star Tribune
- Süddeutsche Zeitung
- Tampa Bay Times
- Texas Tribune
- Time Magazine
- Toronto Globe and Mail
- Tribune Publishing
- USA Today
- Vermont Public Radio
- Vox Media
- Wall Street Journal
- Washington City Paper
- Washington Post
- WBUR Learning Lab
- WNYC DataNews
- WRAL Data Desk
- YLE (Finnish National Broadcaster)
- Zeit Online
- Census Reporter
- DataMade
- DataWrapper
- DocumentCloud
- Freedom of the Press Foundation
- Github's Journalism Showcases
- Google News Lab
- Institute for Nonprofit News
- Journalism++
- NewsApps.io
- NewsLynx
- Northwestern U. Knight Lab
- OpenElections
- OpenNews
- Overview Project
- Poderopedia
- SourceFabric
- SunlightLabs
- WireService