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Weibopy is a weibo python3 sdk, support Python3 with requests packages.

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Weibo API doc


Normal support Python3 version.

pip3 install weibopy


  1. First, need to register the weibo developer account, and build an app based
    [Weibo Platform] (
  2. Now we can get the App Key and App Secret in the weibo app info page.
  3. Set the callback url in the weibo app settings.
  4. Token authorization.
from weibopy import WeiboOauth2

client = WeiboOauth2(client_id,client_secret,redirect_url)

authorize_url = client.authorize_url

# ''
  1. Open the authorize url in the browser, and send the code to get access token.

   "access_token": "ACCESS_TOKEN",
   "expires_in": 1234,
  1. If the token is expired, we need to use refresh_token to get the access token.

Note: This refresh only provide official mobile app.


If we got the the access_token, now we can call api functions.

All the modules separated as the parts of the weibo api client to handler data .

WeiboOauth2         # weibo Oauth2 authentication
WeiboClient         # weibo Client API 
WeiboAPIError       # weibo api error
WeiboOauth2Error    # weibo oath2 error

If we want to get the public tweets in recently hours.

from weibopy import WeiboClient

access_token = ""
client = WeiboClient(access_token)

result =client.get(suffix="statuses/public_timeline.json")

    "statuses": [{
                    "created_at": "Tue May 31 17:46:55 +0800 2011",
                    "id": 11488058246,
                    "text": "求关注。",
                    "source": "<a href='' rel='nofollow'>新浪微博</a>",
                    "favorited": False,
                    "truncated": False,
                    "in_reply_to_status_id": "",
                    "in_reply_to_user_id": "",
                    "in_reply_to_screen_name": "",
                    "geo": None,
                    "mid": "5612814510546515491",
                    "reposts_count": 8,
                    "comments_count": 9,
                    "annotations": [],
                    "user": {
                        "id": 1404376560,
                        "screen_name": "zaku",
                        "name": "zaku",
                        "province": "11",
                        "city": "5",
                        "location": "北京 朝阳区",
                        "description": "人生五十年,乃如梦如幻;有生斯有死,壮士复何憾。",
                        "url": "",
                        "profile_image_url": "",
                        "domain": "zaku",
                        "gender": "m",
                        "followers_count": 1204,
                        "friends_count": 447,
                        "statuses_count": 2908,
                        "favourites_count": 0,
                        "created_at": "Fri Aug 28 00:00:00 +0800 2009",
                        "following": False,
                        "allow_all_act_msg": False,
                        "remark": "",
                        "geo_enabled": False,
                        "verified": False,
                        "allow_all_comment": False,
                        "avatar_large": "",
                        "verified_reason": "",
                        "follow_me": False,
                        "online_status": 0,
                        "bi_followers_count": 215
            "previous_cursor": 0,
            "next_cursor": 11488013766,
            "total_number": 81655

How to post a tweet with a picture?

from weibopy import WeiboClient

access_token = ""
client = WeiboClient(access_token)

files = {'pic': open('a.png', 'rb')}"statuses/upload.json", data={"status":"nihao"}, files=files)


     'biz_feature': 0,
     'bmiddle_pic': '',
     'comments_count': 0,
     'created_at': 'Wed Apr 19 22:06:20 +0800 2017',
     'darwin_tags': [],
     'favorited': False,
     'geo': None,
     'gif_ids': None,
     'hasActionTypeCard': 0,
     'hot_weibo_tags': [],
     'id': 4098369015668443,
     'idstr': '4098369015668443',
     'in_reply_to_screen_name': '',
     'in_reply_to_status_id': '',
     'in_reply_to_user_id': '',
     'isLongText': False,
     'is_show_bulletin': 2,
     'mid': '4098369015668443',
     'mlevel': 0,
     'original_pic': '',
     'pic_urls': [{'thumbnail_pic': ''}],
     'positive_recom_flag': 0,
     'reposts_count': 0,
     'source': '<a href="" rel="nofollow">未通过审核应用</a>',
     'source_allowclick': 0,
     'source_type': 1,
     'text': 'hhha \u200b',
     'textLength': 4,
     'text_tag_tips': [],
     'thumbnail_pic': '',
     'truncated': False,
     'user': {'allow_all_act_msg': False,
              'allow_all_comment': True,
              'avatar_hd': '',
              'avatar_large': '',
              'bi_followers_count': 9,
              'block_app': 0,
              'block_word': 0,
              'city': '2',
              'class': 1,
              'created_at': 'Tue Dec 07 21:44:06 +0800 2010',
              'credit_score': 80,
              'description': '',
              'domain': 'nooper',
              'favourites_count': 3,
              'follow_me': False,
              'followers_count': 48,
              'following': False,
              'friends_count': 140,
              'gender': 'm',
              'geo_enabled': True,
              'id': 1885772381,
              'idstr': '1885772381',
              'insecurity': {'sexual_content': False},
              'lang': 'zh-cn',
              'location': '北京 西城区',
              'mbrank': 0,
              'mbtype': 0,
              'name': '王小小小小小莫',
              'online_status': 0,
              'pagefriends_count': 0,
              'profile_image_url': '',
              'profile_url': 'nooper',
              'province': '11',
              'ptype': 0,
              'remark': '',
              'screen_name': '王小小小小小莫',
              'star': 0,
              'statuses_count': 168,
              'urank': 13,
              'url': '',
              'user_ability': 0,
              'verified': False,
              'verified_reason': '',
              'verified_reason_url': '',
              'verified_source': '',
              'verified_source_url': '',
              'verified_trade': '',
              'verified_type': -1,
              'weihao': ''},
     'userType': 590081,
     'visible': {'list_id': 0, 'type': 0}}


If you have any question about the weibo API, contact [email protected]