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jinpa edited this page Dec 11, 2013 · 3 revisions


Support only a few use cases with only a little bit of functionality at the start, to get something that can be implemented quickly, and still be of some value.


  1. As in instructor, I want to invite students enrolled in a MOOC to join my private class ("cohort"), so that I can see their usage data from the MOOC, with their permission.

  2. As a student, I want to join a cohort within a MOOC, based on an instructor's invitation. By doing so, I'm agreeing to share my usage data with the instructor. I also want to see how my data compares with others in this cohort. I can join more than one cohort if I wish.

  3. As a student, I want to set up a study group as a cohort, inviting other students. I won't be able to see their individual data, but we'll each be able to see how our own data compares to the aggregate for the cohort.

For later:

There will be lots of functionality that can be added later, but here are a few items:

  1. Discussion group just for my cohort(s).

  2. Wiki just for my cohort(s).

  3. Analytics available per cohort will at first only be grades, but later include as much as possible (e.g. time spent per activity, etc.).


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