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jinpa edited this page Dec 11, 2013 · 3 revisions


Support only a few use cases with only a little bit of functionality at the start, to get something that can be implemented quickly, and still be of some value.


  1. As in instructor, I want to invite students enrolled in a MOOC to join my private class, so that I can see their usage data from the MOOC, with their permission.

  2. As a student, I want to join a small class within a MOOC, based on an instructor's invitation. By doing so, I'm agreeing to share my usage data with the instructor. I also want to see how my data compares with others in this class. I can join more than one class if I wish.

  3. As a student, I want to set up a study group, inviting other students. I won't be able to see their individual data, but we'll each be able to see how our own data compares to the aggregate for the group.

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