This repository provides X-Road code samples that show how to consume services through X-Road. The examples show how X-Road compatible clients can be built using different technologies and they help you to get started quickly. Currently there are examples available in Java and JavaScript.
You can get started with development and testing without your own Security Server installation using Example Adapter service. Another alternative for development/testing is X-Road Test Service. All the examples in this repository use Example Adapter service.
List of Reusable X-Road Custom Extensions
In addition, this repository also provides a list of reusable X-Road custom extensions implemented by the X-Road community. Before adding new extensions to the list please take a look at the Extension Description Guidelines.
Setup Example Adapter service:
- Clone the repository, compile the XRd4J library, compile Example Adapter, start Example Adapter.
- Use Example Adapter Docker image.
docker run -p 8080:8080 niis/example-adapter
Once started the Example Adapter service can be accessed at http://localhost:8080/example-adapter-x.x.x-SNAPSHOT/Endpoint where x.x.x needs to be replaced with the current version number.
XRd4J is a Java library for building X-Road v6 Adapter Servers and clients.
This example demonstrates how to invoke helloService
service with one request parameter.
import fi.vrk.xrd4j.client.SOAPClient;
import fi.vrk.xrd4j.client.SOAPClientImpl;
import fi.vrk.xrd4j.client.deserializer.ServiceResponseDeserializer;
import fi.vrk.xrd4j.client.serializer.ServiceRequestSerializer;
import fi.vrk.xrd4j.common.member.ConsumerMember;
import fi.vrk.xrd4j.common.member.ProducerMember;
import fi.vrk.xrd4j.common.message.ServiceRequest;
import fi.vrk.xrd4j.common.message.ServiceResponse;
import fi.vrk.xrd4j.common.util.MessageHelper;
import fi.vrk.xrd4j.common.util.SOAPHelper;
String url = "http://localhost:8080/example-adapter-x.x.x-SNAPSHOT/Endpoint";
// Consumer that is calling a service
ConsumerMember consumer = new ConsumerMember("NIIS-TEST", "GOV", "1234567-8", "TestSystem");
// Producer providing the service
ProducerMember producer = new ProducerMember("NIIS-TEST", "GOV", "9876543-1", "DemoService", "helloService", "v1");
// Create a new ServiceRequest object, unique message id is generated by MessageHelper.
// Type of the ServiceRequest is the type of the request data (String in this case)
ServiceRequest<String> request = new ServiceRequest<String>(consumer, producer, MessageHelper.generateId());
// Set username
// Set message id
// Set request data
request.setRequestData("Test message");
// Application specific class that serializes request data
ServiceRequestSerializer serializer = new HelloServiceRequestSerializer();
// Application specific class that deserializes response data
ServiceResponseDeserializer deserializer = new HelloServiceResponseDeserializer();
// Create a new SOAP client
SOAPClient client = new SOAPClientImpl();
// Send the ServiceRequest, result is returned as ServiceResponse object
ServiceResponse<String, String> serviceResponse = client.send(request, url, serializer, deserializer);
// Print out the SOAP message received as response;
// Print out only response data. In this case response data is a String.;
public class HelloServiceRequestSerializer extends AbstractServiceRequestSerializer {
protected void serializeRequest(ServiceRequest request, SOAPElement soapRequest, SOAPEnvelope envelope) throws SOAPException {
SOAPElement data = soapRequest.addChildElement(envelope.createName("name"));
data.addTextNode((String) request.getRequestData());
public class HelloServiceResponseDeserializer extends AbstractResponseDeserializer<String, String> {
protected String deserializeRequestData(Node requestNode) throws SOAPException {
for (int i = 0; i < requestNode.getChildNodes().getLength(); i++) {
if (requestNode.getChildNodes().item(i).getLocalName().equals("name")) {
return requestNode.getChildNodes().item(i).getTextContent();
return null;
protected String deserializeResponseData(Node responseNode, SOAPMessage message) throws SOAPException {
for (int i = 0; i < responseNode.getChildNodes().getLength(); i++) {
if (responseNode.getChildNodes().item(i).getLocalName().equals("message")) {
return responseNode.getChildNodes().item(i).getTextContent();
return null;
Sample code is available at
Wsimport is a Java tool for generating the required Java artifacts for invoking a SOAP service. Wsimport uses the WSDL description of the service for artifact generation.
This example demonstrates how to use wsimport tool for generating the client
code and invoking Example Adapter helloService
service with one request
TestService service = new TestService();
TestServicePortType port = service.getTestServicePort();
WSBindingProvider bp = (WSBindingProvider) port;
SOAPFactory factory = SOAPFactory.newInstance();
SOAPElement clientHeader = factory.createElement(new QName("", "client"));
clientHeader.addNamespaceDeclaration("id", "");
clientHeader.addAttribute(new QName("", "objectType", "id"), "SUBSYSTEM");
SOAPElement xRoadInstance = clientHeader.addChildElement("xRoadInstance", "id");
SOAPElement memberClass = clientHeader.addChildElement("memberClass", "id");
SOAPElement memberCode = clientHeader.addChildElement("memberCode", "id");
SOAPElement subsystem = clientHeader.addChildElement("subsystemCode", "id");
// Service soap header
SOAPElement serviceHeader = factory.createElement(new QName("", "service"));
serviceHeader.addNamespaceDeclaration("id", "");
serviceHeader.addAttribute(new QName("", "objectType", "id"), "SERVICE");
xRoadInstance = serviceHeader.addChildElement("xRoadInstance", "id");
memberClass = serviceHeader.addChildElement("memberClass", "id");
memberCode = serviceHeader.addChildElement("memberCode", "id");
subsystem = serviceHeader.addChildElement("subsystemCode", "id");
SOAPElement serviceCode = serviceHeader.addChildElement("serviceCode", "id");
SOAPElement serviceVersion = serviceHeader.addChildElement("serviceVersion", "id");
Headers.create(new QName("", "id"), "12345"),
Headers.create(new QName("", "userId"), "jdoe"),
Headers.create(new QName("", "protocolVersion"), "4.0")
// Call helloService"Test User"));
Sample code is available at
Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) is a technology for building web services and clients that communicate using XML.
This example demonstrates how to invoke helloService
service with one request parameter.
QName SERVICE_NAME = new QName("", "testService");
QName SERVICE_PORT = new QName("", "testServicePort");
String url = "http://localhost:8080/example-adapter-x.x.x-SNAPSHOT/Endpoint?wsdl";
// Create a service and add at least one port to it.
Service service = Service.create(SERVICE_NAME);
service.addPort(SERVICE_PORT, SOAPBinding.SOAP11HTTP_BINDING, url);
// Create a Dispatch instance from a service.
Dispatch<SOAPMessage> dispatch = service.createDispatch(SERVICE_PORT, SOAPMessage.class, Service.Mode.MESSAGE);
// Create SOAPMessage request. **/
MessageFactory mf = MessageFactory.newInstance(SOAPConstants.SOAP_1_1_PROTOCOL);
// Create a message. This example works with the SOAPPart.
SOAPMessage request = mf.createMessage();
SOAPPart part = request.getSOAPPart();
// Obtain the SOAPEnvelope and header and body elements.
SOAPEnvelope env = part.getEnvelope();
SOAPHeader header = env.getHeader();
SOAPBody body = env.getBody();
env.addNamespaceDeclaration("id", "");
env.addNamespaceDeclaration("xrd", "");
// Start by defining client soap header
SOAPElement clientHeader = header.addChildElement("client", "xrd");
clientHeader.addAttribute(env.createQName("objectType", "id"), "SUBSYSTEM");
SOAPElement xRoadInstance = clientHeader.addChildElement("xRoadInstance", "id");
SOAPElement memberClass = clientHeader.addChildElement("memberClass", "id");
SOAPElement memberCode = clientHeader.addChildElement("memberCode", "id");
SOAPElement subsystem = clientHeader.addChildElement("subsystemCode", "id");
// Service soap header
SOAPElement serviceHeader = header.addChildElement("service", "xrd");
serviceHeader.addAttribute(env.createQName("objectType", "id"), "SERVICE");
xRoadInstance = serviceHeader.addChildElement("xRoadInstance", "id");
memberClass = serviceHeader.addChildElement("memberClass", "id");
memberCode = serviceHeader.addChildElement("memberCode", "id");
subsystem = serviceHeader.addChildElement("subsystemCode", "id");
SOAPElement serviceCode = serviceHeader.addChildElement("serviceCode", "id");
SOAPElement serviceVersion = serviceHeader.addChildElement("serviceVersion", "id");
// Rest of the header elements
SOAPElement id = header.addChildElement("id", "xrd");
SOAPElement userId = header.addChildElement("userId", "xrd");
SOAPElement protocolVersion = header.addChildElement("protocolVersion", "xrd");
// Construct the message payload.
SOAPElement operation = body.addChildElement("helloService", "ns1", "");
SOAPElement value = operation.addChildElement("name");
value.addTextNode("Test User");
// Invoke the service endpoint.
SOAPMessage response = dispatch.invoke(request);
// Get response: Body -> helloServiceResponse -> message -> <response>"{}",response.getSOAPBody().getChildNodes().item(0).getChildNodes().item(0).getTextContent());
Sample code is available at
node-soap is a Node module that lets you connect to web services using SOAP.
This example demonstrates how to invoke getRandom
service with no request parameters.
Sample client (index.js
var soap = require('soap');
var url = 'http://localhost:8080/example-adapter-x.x.x-SNAPSHOT/Endpoint?wsdl';
var args = {};
soap.createClient(url, function(err, client) {
"xrd:client": {
"namespace": "xmlns:tns",
xRoadInstance: 'NIIS-TEST',
memberClass: 'GOV',
memberCode: '1234567-8',
subsystemCode: 'TestClient',
attributes: {
"id:objectType": 'SUBSYSTEM'
"xrd:service": {
xRoadInstance: 'NIIS-TEST',
memberClass: 'GOV',
memberCode: '9876543-1',
subsystemCode: 'DemoService',
serviceCode: 'getRandom',
serviceVersion: 'v1',
attributes: {
"id:objectType": 'SERVICE'
"xrd:id": 'ID11234',
"xrd:userId": 'EE1234567890',
"xrd:protocolVersion": '4.0'
null, null, null
client.getRandom(args, function(err, result) {
How to create a simple client:
$ mkdir soap
$ cd soap
$ npm init -y
$ npm install soap
$ touch index.js
# Copy the code snippet below in index.js and update the adapter URL (x.x.x)
Make sure that the Example Adapter service is running and that the service URL used in the code is correct. Then run the client:
$ node index.js
Example Adapter service returns a random number.
{ data: '8' }
Sample code is available at
The material was originally created by Jarkko Moilanen ( and Karri Niemelä ( in 2016. In January 2018 it was agreed that the Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions (NIIS) takes over the responsibility for maintenance and further development.