Project Website | Donate | Sponsor | Buy tokens
The Nordic Energy´s RavenShield is a radio network for off-grid messaging and cryptocurrency transactions without access to the internet. The main objective is a long range network for everyone, everywhere. For this reason we are working not only in a protocol, but also the firmware for affordable devices like the Turpial, Harpia, or their DIY equivalents. We adhere to open source ethos at every step and aim to make this tool as decentralized as possible so users can transmit with freedom.
If you want to learn more about RavenShield feel free to read the RavenShiled main repository or take a look at our website
RavenShield Chat is a radio network for communications bitcoin and Nordic Energy token transactions without internet of even power-grid. We are working not only in a protocol, but also the firmwares for affordable devices like the Turpial of Herpian.
The Blockchain based mobile application for the RavenShield. The aim is to build an app for communication using text messages, images, documents or voice notes, and also for broadcasting offline signed Nordic Energy tokens, bitcoin and other cryptocurrency transactions.
If you want to support this project you can make a donation to the RavenShiled effort to build private censorship-resistant mesh network devices for cryptocurrency payments without Internet.
Nordic Energy and its sponsorship principles are based on Smart Energy Corporation. Ltd values and sponsorship targets support the Group's strategy.
At Nordic Energy, we are primarily involved in supporting nationwide projects around blockchain technology, renewable energy, people's everyday lives, promoting quality of life and sustainable development, and bringing joy to as many people as possible. Our sponsorship projects share the values of Nordic Energy and our partnership fits in with Nordic Energy's promise: customer and quality - in everything we do.
Local agreement, installation of energy systems and product sales are also important partners for many regional energy producers, suppliers and charities. Communities, electricity sellers can support the operation of the electricity grid in their area, thereby contributing to reducing energy consumption, protecting our environment and improving security of electricity supply.
Sponsored by Nordic Energy
Nordic Energy / Green Ventures Group may make donations to non-profit organizations from donations made by the General Meeting. The Board of Directors of the company decides on donations.
At the moment we support eg. environmental development activities and all tokens sold are donated to charity fundraising that meets our exact requirements:
- To reduce plastic waste
- Supports renewable energy
- Enables a significant reduction in electricity consumption and carbon dioxide emissions
- Develop and improve effective waste management in developing countries
- Energy storage technology development and origin verification.
- Project website: (development)
- Donate:
- Buy Turpial devices: (Shop under construction)
- ICO/STO project:
- EV Charging:
- Token Sale Dashboard:
The development code is located on the dev
branch. All the development
happens there and all Pull-Requests should be pointed to that branch.
Make sure your Pull-Request follows the guidelines.
The following are brief descriptions of the technologies used
React Native enables you to build world-class application experiences on native platforms using a consistent developer experience based on JavaScript and React.
It's a fantastic leap forward in providing the ability to write native applications with Javascript that target both iOS and Android. This application provides one code base that works on both platforms. It demonstrates Form interactions, Navigation, and use of many other components.
Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. It helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, and native), and are easy to test.
Before Redux, application state was managed by all the various components in the app. Now, the state is managed in a predictable and consistent manner and it can be tested with Jest and best of all, it is independent of the UI. This is a major advancement in application design!
Realm is a database engine designed to be used in the development of mobile applications for both Android and iOS systems. This system allows us to create relational databases in a simple way as well as being open source.
Realm Database is an alternative to SQLite and Core Data. Thanks to its zero-copy design, Realm Database is much faster than an ORM, and often faster than raw SQLite.
NativeBase is a sleek, ingenious and dynamic front-end framework created by passionate React Loving team at Geekyants to build cross platform Android & iOS mobile apps using ready to use generic components of React Native.
React Navigation is born from the React Native community's need for an extensible yet easy-to-use navigation solution written entirely in JavaScript (so you can read and understand all of the source), on top of powerful native primitives.
Before you start, make sure you have the following requirements
- Node.js v10.x or greater
- Java SE Development Kit (JDK 8)
- Python 2.7
- git
Check to have a dependency manager installed like npm (bundled with node) or yarn (recommended)
- The application runs on both iOS and Android with a single code base
- A user can *Create or restore account, modify their profile, add contacts and use chat with public channels and added contacts
- The user can send text, audio and images in the chat
- Random names on public channels
- Supports multiple languages using I18n
- All state changes* are actions to the Redux store.
- Every action performed by the UI interfaces with the Redux actions and subsequently to the Redux Store. This reduces the complexity of the JSX Components.
git clone
cd ravenshield-chat
With yarn
yarn install
or npm
npm install
You need to configure your equipment to run this app, the process is different depending on your development system:
In this link are the steps to follow the official Documentation
react-native link
Run this command to start the development server and to start your app on iOS simulator:
react-native run-ios
You can also open XCode and load project, Run product -> Run (⌘ + R)
Or, if you prefer Android:
react-native run-android
For android verify that you have a device or emulator connected.
Copyright (c) 2020 Nordic Energy and RavenShield developers.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
A text quote is shown below
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Read the full text: RavenShiled Apache License 2.0
Please ⭐️ this repository if this project helped you!
- Bitcoin: 14GyqCEZXyeythb6B6Vu5DiBCMszFrBsp1
- Litecoin: LSi7smGjLwAmihFLEtV7Lit9Mmbsds9Tin
- Ripple: rE5DbPTbtYT6tKqfXMD8352tTpdNvFydxb
- Tron: TFSx6BBFNdxXoJJrTEWGEekTmb1AwNEEca
- Ethereum: 0x0A6f46F29e047EdcFdf7BF67fD1DcC418100beea
- DAI: 0x3FcDF18672dF7079E3146C87502003fb7dB4fa38
- Paypal: