This tool is developed for checking services against of DDOS attacks. We will talk about the algorithm in detailed. The algorithm is as follow: GreenDos generate packet with random of source ip and source port and sequence number for a packet. for using it you need enable ip forwarding in your Linux host. for example this page said about How to Disable/Enable IP forwarding in Linux:
How Run Container
For run Container you can set domain or set ip or you can set your specefic port that want to test your service. if you set IP and domain Container only choose ip so don't set ip and domain with together.
docker pull greenmn/greendos
docker run -it greenmn/greendos:latest ip flood 500
If dont set port scan 65535 and choose open port
docker run -it greenmn/greendos:latest domain my_test_site.example flood 500
docker run -it greenmn/greendos:latest ip port 443 flood 500