This app provides a dashboard that you can use to identify the Splunk searches that use the most resources.
This dashboard relies on the saved search "search resource utilization base", which can be scheduled to run once daily so that the dashboard is highly-responsive without incurring additional search workload.
View search resources used by app, type, and provenance
View search resources used over time, and also the label for each search
After toggling Run search
to Yes, click the Submit button at the top of the dashboard. This ad-hoc query does not run by default in order to conserve system resources.
This query is used as the basis for the dashboard.
Search the _introspection index for events with search IDs (sid) but exclude real-time and system searches:
index=_introspection sourcetype=splunk_resource_usage data.search_props.sid::* data.search_props.mode!=RT data.search_props.user!="splunk-system-user"
Extract some fields, and calculate an identifiable label for the search job:
| eval elapsed = 'data.elapsed'
| eval mem_used = 'data.mem_used'
| eval read_mb = 'data.read_mb'
| eval sid = 'data.search_props.sid'
| eval app = ''
| eval type = 'data.search_props.type'
| eval mode = 'data.search_props.mode'
| eval user = 'data.search_props.user'
| eval role = 'data.search_props.role'
| eval label = 'data.search_props.label'
| eval label = if(isnull(label) AND match(sid, ".*_subsearch_.*"), "subsearch", label)
| eval label = if(isnull(label) AND match(sid, ".*__(search\d+)_.*"), "dashboard panel", label)
| eval label = if(isnull(label) AND match(label, ".*_ACCELERATE_.*"), "acceleration", label)
| eval label = if(isnull(label) AND type=="ad-hoc","ad-hoc", label)
Calculate the provenance, and originating search head/peer:
| eval provenance = if(isnotnull('data.search_props.provenance'), 'data.search_props.provenance', 'data.search_props.role')
| eval search_head = case(isnotnull('data.search_props.search_head') AND 'data.search_props.role' == "peer", 'data.search_props.search_head', isnull('data.search_props.search_head') AND 'data.search_props.role' == "head", "_self", isnull('data.search_props.search_head') AND 'data.search_props.role' == "peer", "_unknown")
Selecting just the fields we need from here makes it easy to work with the query, then perform the first stats which aggregates to a single result for each sid:
| fields _time label provenance type mode app role user elapsed mem_used read_mb search_head sid
| stats count dc(user) earliest(_time) as _time values(label) values(provenance) values(type) values(mode) values(app) values(role) values(user) sum(elapsed) sum(mem_used) sum(read_mb) values(search_head) by sid
Rename the stats fields all at once:
| rename values(*) as *, sum(*) as sum_*
Finally, summarize the individual searches by day, app, type, and provenance:
| bin _time span=1d
| stats sum(sum_elapsed) as sum_elapsed sum(sum_mem_used) as sum_mem_used sum(sum_read_mb) as sum_read_mb by _time app type provenance