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Merge pull request #22 from erechorse/nip-18
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erechorse authored Dec 8, 2023
2 parents 7a3fea0 + eec239f commit 27ffe95
Showing 1 changed file with 19 additions and 19 deletions.
38 changes: 19 additions & 19 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@


`draft` `optional`

A repost is a `kind 6` event that is used to signal to followers
that a `kind 1` text note is worth reading.
リポストは`kind 1`テキスト投稿が読む価値を持つことを
フォロワーへ知らせるために使われる`kind 6`イベントです。

The `content` of a repost event is _the stringified JSON of the reposted note_. It MAY also be empty, but that is not recommended.
リポストイベントの`content`_リポストされた投稿を文字列化したJSON_ です。これは空でもかまいません (MAY) が、推奨されません。

The repost event MUST include an `e` tag with the `id` of the note that is
being reposted. That tag MUST include a relay URL as its third entry
to indicate where it can be fetched.
リポストイベントはリポストされた投稿の`id`を持つ`e`タグを含まなければなりません (MUST) 。
3番目の値として含まなければなりません (MUST) 。

The repost SHOULD include a `p` tag with the `pubkey` of the event being
含めるべきです (SHOULD) 。

## Quote Reposts
## 引用リポスト

Quote reposts are `kind 1` events with an embedded `e` tag
(see [NIP-08]( and [NIP-27]( Because a quote repost includes
an `e` tag, it may show up along replies to the reposted note.
引用リポストは`e`タグが埋め込まれた`kind 1`イベントです
([NIP-08]([NIP-27](を参照) 。引用リポストは

## Generic Reposts
## 汎用リポスト

Since `kind 6` reposts are reserved for `kind 1` contents, we use `kind 16`
as a "generic repost", that can include any kind of event inside other than
`kind 1`.
`kind 6`のリポストは`kind 1`のコンテンツのために予約されているため、`kind 16`
「汎用リポスト」として用い、これは`kind 1`以外のあらゆる種類のイベントを含めることが

`kind 16` reposts SHOULD contain a `k` tag with the stringified kind number
of the reposted event as its value.
`kind 16`のリポストは、リポストされたイベントの文字列化されたkind番号を値とする
`k`タグを含むべきです (SHOULD) 。

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