Minimal code (use default parameters):
To prune the network with the default MFLOPs target, use the following command:
python3 --mode prune --arch architecture_name --dataset dataset_name --output_dir result/pruned/
To finetune a pruned network, use the following command:
python3 --mode finetune --loaded_model_path path/to/ --arch architecture_name --dataset dataset_name --output_dir result/finetuned/
The datasets are assumed to be saved in ./data/name_of_the_dataset/.
- the input model that we want to compress is loaded from this path.
- if it is a directory, then by default the loaded file will be
- the output compressed model, as well as the logs, will be saved at this path.
- it is the architecture on which your model is based
- currently accepted values are: vgg_16_bn, resnet_56, resnet_110, densenet_40, googlenet, resnet_50
- it is the targetted number of MFLOPs of the pruned model (the output model will be as close as possible to this target)
For the other parameters, feel free to check the file.
python3 --output_dir result/pruned/vgg16/ --mode prune --arch vgg_16_bn
python3 --output_dir result/finetuned/vgg16/ --mode finetune --arch vgg_16_bn --loaded_model_path result/pruned/vgg16/
Initial accuracy: 93.96
Initial MFLOPs: 314.294
Dataset: CIFAR10
Acc. before finetuning | Acc. after finetuning | MFLOPs |
88.29 | 94.19 | 145.61 |
82.73 | 94.01 | 108.71 |
71.24 | 93.62 | 72.60 |
python3 --output_dir result/pruned/resnet56/ --mode prune --arch resnet_56
python3 --output_dir result/finetuned/resnet56/ --mode finetune --arch resnet_56 --loaded_model_path result/pruned/resnet56/
Initial accuracy: 93.26
Initial MFLOPs: 126.55
Dataset: CIFAR10
Acc. before finetuning | Acc. after finetuning | MFLOPs |
85.58 | 93.76 | 55.82 |
python3 --output_dir result/pruned/resnet110/ --mode prune --arch resnet_110
python3 --output_dir result/finetuned/resnet110/ --mode finetune --arch resnet_110 --loaded_model_path result/pruned/resnet110/
Initial accuracy: 93.5
Initial MFLOPs: 254.99
Dataset: CIFAR10
Acc. before finetuning | Acc. after finetuning | MFLOPs |
84.37 | 94.15 | 85.28 |
python3 --output_dir result/pruned/googlenet/ --mode prune --arch googlenet
python3 --output_dir result/finetuned/googlenet/ --mode finetune --arch googlenet --loaded_model_path result/pruned/googlenet/
Initial accuracy: 95.05
Initial MFLOPs: 1529.42
Dataset: CIFAR10
Acc. before finetuning | Acc. after finetuning | MFLOPs |
90.18 | 95.23 | 450 |
python3 --output_dir result/pruned/densenet/ --mode prune --arch densenet_40
python3 --output_dir result/finetuned/densenet/ --mode finetune --arch densenet_40 --loaded_model_path result/pruned/densenet/
Initial accuracy: 94.81
Initial MFLOPs: 287.71
Dataset: CIFAR10
Acc. before finetuning | Acc. after finetuning | MFLOPs |
83.20 | 94.41 | 128.25 |
87.85 | 94.67 | 167.64 |
python3 --output_dir result/pruned/resnet50/ --mode prune --batch_size 64 --nb_batches 3000 --arch resnet_50 --beta 10.0 --gamma 0.3 --lr 0.3 --dataset imagenet
python3 --output_dir result/finetuned/resnet50/ --mode finetune --batch_size 512 --wd 0.0001 --lr_finetuning 0.006 --momentum 0.99 --arch resnet_50 --loaded_model_path result/pruned/resnet50/ --dataset imagenet
Initial accuracy: 76.13
Initial MFLOPs: 4111.51
Dataset: ImageNet
Acc. before finetuning | Acc. after finetuning | MFLOPs |
14.71 | 74.68 | 1149 |
47.51 | 76.63 | 1974 |
- pytorch
- thop