by Antoine @notkaramel
For MUMT 307 - Music and Audio Computing II
- Head-Related Transfer Functions and Virtual Auditory Display by Xiao-li Zhong and Bo-sun Xie [1]
- Personalizing Head Related Transfer Functions for Earables by Zhijian Yang and Romit Roy Choudhury from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign [2]
- Spectral and Psychoacoustic evaluation of head-related transfer functions calculated at the blocked ear canal and the eardrum by Katharina Pollack, Fabio di Giusto, Daniel Sinev, and Piotr Majdak (DOI: 10.61782/fa.2023.1104) from Forum Acusticum 2023 [3]
- Francis Rumsey, Tim McCormick, Chapter 17 - Surround Sound, Editor(s): Francis Rumsey, Tim McCormick, Sound and Recording (Sixth Edition), Focal Press, 2010, Pages 509-561, ISBN 9780240521633. [4 and 4-alt]
- Simple HRTF implementation? on SuperCollider forum
- A Clarification of HRTF/positional audio/3D/binaural audio from r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS on Reddit