4 module example for senti-tech
The 4 modules I have selected to build are:
. The publish module for the embedded MQTT client
. The subscribe module for the MQTT client
. The database input script to put the MQTT data inside of a database
. The build script to tie them all together.
To run, chmod +x ./init.sh then sudo ./init.sh
This is designed for a clean installation of Mosquitto and MySQL, if an existing installation exists- please use a clean system. The script is also built for Ubuntu/Debian using Bash. In a production system, I would modify this to run on CentOS.
I built on Ubuntu as this is the OS of my Dev machine.
**The project will NOT work on Windows or Mac. It will work as-is on Debian-based distros such as Ubuntu or Mint... But will require additional config for other distros.