Author: Sean Rehaag
License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).
Dataset & Code to be cited as:
Sean Rehaag, "Social Security Tribunal Bulk Decisions Dataset" (2023), online: Refugee Law Laboratory <>.
To load data, see load_and_analyze_sst_cases.ipynb
(1) Data Source: Social Security Tribunal of Canada.
(2) Unofficial Data: The data are unofficial reproductions of materials on the Social Security Tribunal website. Links to official versions are included in the dataset.
(3) Non-Affiliation / Endorsement: The data has been collected and reproduced without any affiliation or endorsement from the Social Security Tribunal of Canada.
(4) Non-Commerical Use: As indicated in the license, data may be used for non-commercial use (with attribution) only. For commercial use, see the Social Security Tribunal of Canada website's Terms of Use.
(5) Accuracy: Data was collected and processed programmatically for the purposes of academic research. While we make best efforts to ensure accuracy, data gathering of this kind inevitably involves errors. As such the data should be viewed as preliminary information aimed to prompt further research and discussion, rather than as definitive information.