- Classic Calculator Functionality including operators of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division.
- Clear Entry (CE) and Clear (C) operations
- Calculator deals with operations in pairs. Each operation is carried out, the result is displayed, then additional operations can be performed on this result.
- 5 + 10 - 9 deals with this entry from left to right first displaying 15 then displaying 6
- Color matched colors from original calculator image using gimp and then implemented colors in web app.
- Custom Calculator font for digital display
- Custom colored Texas Instruments Logo to match original calculator
- Simplify logic for calculator instead of current algorithm creating an array and using linear search to find operators with splice modifications on data
- Add Percent functionality
- Improve divide by 0 error management to display an alert and remove the zero array entry
- Mobile Support
- UI Improvements like shadows to calculator to create depth and key press sounds