- #246: Ensure the BonjourBrowser sets ServiceName - iOS, Bug
- #238: Bump Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform from 6.2.13 to 6.2.14
- #270: Don't show the az login output
- #269: .NET Maui support from @project-x51
- #267: Misc updates for building
- #247: Update NetworkInterface.cs
- #262: Add .NET8 Target
- #3: [Feature Request] - Registering a service on Xamarin.Android and/or Xamarin.iOS
See More
- #2: Target Windows Phone 8.1
- #1: Update BindToSocketAndWriteQuery method for Win8.1
- #234: Bump Nerdbank.GitVersioning from 3.4.255 to 3.5.104
This list of changes was auto generated.