#Community Detection This is a probject of Community Detection.
Dataset we have collected or generated are in /dataset, where /dataset/big exist real world large size data in Amazon, Friendship, Collaboration and Road(with poor clique structure), /dataset/small exist real world small size data in Football, Karate, Polbooks and /dataset/synthetic exist synthtic graph data generated from networkx including Gaussian Random Partition Graph, Random Partition Graph and Relaxed Caveman Graph.
We implmented Attractor algorithm mentioned in a KDD2015 paper Community Detection based on Distance Dynamics[1], which adopts an distance dynamic converging method and we improved the perfomance of it in two ways.
- Use cached virtual edge and apply vertex influence
- Use sliding window to remove long tailor We include Louvain, Infomap, MCL, Metis in src/Compared_Algorithms for the use of comparison with Attractor(Dynamic Distance)algorithm
We developed tools on Java(/src/Java) to process input and output of graphs with Louvain, Infomap, MCL and Metis(src/Compared_Algorithms), developed tools on CSharp(src/CSharp) to automatically generate graph with different parameters, developed tools on Python(src/Python) to visualize the analysis of experiments and write shell scripts(src/Shell) to automatically test different datasets.
Some results of our experiments are kept in /results. Some documents are kept in /presentation. Some questions for future analysis are kept in /questions.
[1]Shao J, Han Z, Yang Q, et al. Community Detection based on Distance Dynamics[C]//Proceedings of the 21th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. ACM, 2015: 1075-1084.