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L2JS Binary Schema

Nick edited this page Nov 23, 2021 · 2 revisions

L2JS Binary Schema

Lineage 2 JS Binary Schema is a JavaScript library implemented in TypeScript for fast two-way serialization of structured data for use in communications protocols, data storage, and more. It creates a binary payload much smaller than XML or JSON by using a shared schema.

Although this library can be extended and used for general purposes, it has been built specifically for serializing Lineage 2 server-to-client and client-to-server communication protocols. Hence, the library natively implements the following data types:

  • byte - 8 bit integer - 1 byte
  • word - 16-bits integer - 2 bytes
  • dword - 32-bits integer - 4 bytes
  • double - 64-bits integer (long) - 8 bytes
  • float - signed 64-bit float (LE) - 8 bytes
  • bytes - an array of bytes. Uses Uint8Array as a container
  • ntstring - null-terminated UTF-16 (LE) string
  • array - list of structured elements
  • branch - conditional structure

Example Usage :

import { Schema, Stream } from "l2js-client/mmocore/schema/Schema";

const shm = Schema({
  b1: {
    $type: "byte",
  d1: {
    $type: "dword",
  s1: {
    $type: "ntstring",

const buffer = [];
const writer = (b) => buffer.push(b);

// Serialize
shm.write({ b1: 16, d1: 40, s1: "admin" })(writer);

// buffer should have value of:
// [16, 40, 0, 0, 0, 97, 0, 100, 0, 109, 0, 105, 0, 110, 0, 0, 0]

// De-serialize
const stream = Stream(Uint8Array.from([16, 40, 0, 0, 0, 97, 0, 100, 0, 109, 0, 105, 0, 110, 0, 0, 0]));
const parsed =;

// parsed should have value of:
// { b1: 16, d1: 40, s1: "admin" }


A schema in this library is a vocabulary that allows you to annotate, and later serialize and de-serialize structured data. The schema should be defined in a JSON object.

The schema should contain zero or more JSON objects with user-defined keys, which keys later can be used for accessing the data value. Each object describes a single element of the structured data, and has a mandatory descriptor called $type, defining the type of the data located at this position of the structure. Examples is:

    my_var: {
        "$type": "word"

The order of the nested objects is important as well, since this will the be order of the serialized binary representation. Example:

    a1: {
        "$type": "byte"
    a2: {
        "$type": "word"

with data:

{ a1: 5, a2: 9 }

serializes in:

0x05 0x09 0x00

3 bytes in this order, because a1 has type of byte (a single byte) - 0x05; and a2 has type word (16-bits, or 2 bytes) - 0x09 0x00


$type - defines the types of the element. Supported values are : "byte", "word", "dword", "float", "double", "ntstring", "bytes", "array" or "branch".

$default - not mandatory; if defined, the value is used whenever the input data is missing.


    my_var: {
        "$type": "byte",
        "$default": 5
    my_blob: {
        "$type": "bytes",
        "$length": 5,
        "$default": [ 7, 19, 33, 2, 8]

$length - defines the length of elements of type array or bytes. Can be defined with either a specific integer value, or by a reference to another data element by using an $id descriptor.


    my_blob: {
        "$type": "bytes",
        "$length": 15
    blob_size: {
        "$type": "byte"
    my_blob: {
        "$type": "bytes",
        "$length": { "$id": "blob_size" }

$id - defines a reference to another data element. Can be used either with $length descriptor, or with elements with type branch and $condition descriptor.


    info: {
        "$type": "byte"
    my_branch: {
        "$type": "branch",
        "$id": "info",
        "$condition": 5,
        "$schema": {
            my_var: {
                "$type": "byte",
                "$default": 5

$condition - can be used in elements with type of "branch", and specify the exact condition the branch structure will be taken into account. Can be defined with an integer or a string value, or with in a combination of the following supported operators:

  • $eq - equals (=)
  • $neq - not-equals (!=)
  • $gt- greater-than (>)
  • $gte - greater-than or equal (>=)
  • $lt - less-than (<)
  • $lte - less-than or equal (<=)
  • $and - logical and. Expects and array.
  • $or - logical or. Expects an array.


    info: {
        "$type": "byte"
    my_branch: {
        "$type": "branch",
        "$id": "info",
        "$condition": { "$or": [ { "$eq": 5 }, { "$eq": 8 } ] },
        "$schema": {
            my_var: {
                "$type": "byte",
                "$default": 5

$wrapper - a boolean (true or false) descriptor defines whether the current element is a wrapper, and it's schema should not be nested. This descriptor has a default value of true for elements of type branch.

$schema - defines a nested schema. Used in elements of type array and branch. The structure within $schema follows the same rules as per the main schema. Multiple schema levels can be nested.

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