manifest: sdk-zephyr: samples: subsys: smp_svr: 54l10 and 54l05 sample.yaml #19182
jenkins-ncs / CI/Jenkins/twister
Dec 4, 2024 in 4h 34m 17s
build samples/apps/tests, run unittest
Internal CI: Build information
Link not working?
The Nordic Semiconductor CI runs on internal servers, which externals do not have access to.
Need to re-run the job?
GitHub users marked as trusted contributors by the nrfconnect organization have the option to click the "Re-run" text in the left sidebar. Clicking on any of the "Re-run" texts will trigger the whole job. There is no need to click on each failed job.
Re-run note
If the PR commit has not changed, only failed tests will be re-run.
Jenkins status: SUCCESS