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Quizzy is quiz application built using Node js + MongoDB (Backend), React (Frontend)

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Quizzy is a web Application built using NodeJs and React. The database used for storing the questions and user scores is NOSQL(MongoDB).

Model for Question

  "question" : "<Question, string>",
  "options" : "<options, Array>"

Model for option

  "label" : "<Label, string>",
  "value" : "<Option Value, string>"
  "isCorrect" : "<boolean>"

Sample Question from database
      "At what age can someone first attend an R-rated movie without an accompanying adult?",
"options": [
      {"label": "A", "value": "15", "isCorrect": false },
      {"label": "B", "value": "17", "isCorrect": false },
      {"label": "C", "value": "18", "isCorrect": true },
      {"label": "D", "value": "21", "isCorrect": false }




The API is able to do the following

  • Get Random Question from database and present to user.
  • Check if the slected option is correct
  • Save the user name and score
  • Get all scores of quizes played before
  • Scores are arranged in descending order
  • Seeding data from js file to database

Running API Only

  1. Run the command npm install to install all the dependencies
  2. Run : npm run prod or npm run dev
  3. API can be access on localhost:5000/api


API is tested using postman and data sent in post request is in json format

Getting Random Question

GET Request to http://localhost:5000/api as example :

    "_id": "618233d62dd2b8ebd567a1ce",
    "question": "In what decade did Israel become an independent state?",
    "options": [
            "label": "A",
            "value": "1920s",
            "_id": "618233d62dd2b8ebd567a1cf"
            "label": "B",
            "value": "1940s",
            "_id": "618233d62dd2b8ebd567a1d0"
            "label": "C",
            "value": "1950s",
            "_id": "618233d62dd2b8ebd567a1d1"
            "label": "D",
            "value": "1960s",
            "_id": "618233d62dd2b8ebd567a1d2"
    "__v": 0

As Validation at this time user the isCorrect is hidden in option object from response

Checking Answer for a Question

POST Request to http://localhost:5000/api as example :

    "id" : "618233d62dd2b8ebd567a1ce",
    "answer" : "1920s"
    "success": false

Saving User Score

POST Request to http://localhost:5000/api/score as example :

    "score" : "45"
    "name": "Vihaan",
    "score": 45,
    "_id": "6182d9f1e71ed10011812112",
    "__v": 0

Get top 10 high scores

GET Request to http://localhost:5000/api/score as example :

        "_id": "6182d9f1e71ed10011812112",
        "name": "Vihaan",
        "score": 45,
        "__v": 0
        "_id": "6182c4bd819538b8aa37a4f2",
        "name": "Saini",
        "score": 0,
        "__v": 0
        "_id": "6182c50a819538b8aa37a4fa",
        "name": "Test",
        "score": 0,
        "__v": 0

Seeding data from js file to database

  • Data folder in the backend directory holds the question data in Question.js file.
  • To add this data to database follow steps below
  • Navigate to main folder(Quiz App)
  • Run Command npm seed

Frontend is built using React

  • Redux is used for state management throughout application
  • Axios is used for communicating with backend
  • React Router for routing the components

Running Frontend Only

  1. Navigate to frontend directory
  2. Run the command npm install to install all the dependencies
  3. Run : npm start
  4. API can be access on localhost:3000/
  5. No External Styling libaray is used


  • Home Screen can be accessed on http://localhost:3000
  • Home screen promps user to enter name
  • As a validation form don't get submitted unless any name is not entered


  • Question Screen can be accessed on http://localhost:3000/question
  • Question Screen can only be accessed only when the user name is entered on homescreen
  • User can leave quiz anytime, the current score will be saved

Wrong Answer Screen

  • Wrong answer screen is not accessible to user directly
  • It will appear only when user choose the wrong option out of 4 options

Scores Table Screen

Running both frontend and backend together

  • Make sure dependencies for both frontend and backend is installed
  • Navigate to Quiz APP folder
  • Run command npm start
  • This script make use of concurrently package manager


Quizzy is quiz application built using Node js + MongoDB (Backend), React (Frontend)






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