Starting point of Ansible development inside GovNS
To run the automated tests some basic requirements are needed
- GitLab instance to run the CI/CD tests on privleged docker containers
- CI/CD runners with access to run RHEL 6/7 based containers
- Access to pull
Steps to get this running:
- Clone this project to a new GitLab project
- Add the following protected CI/CD variables
Environment Variable | Description |
TOWER_USERNAME | User that can trigger a project refresh on your AWX/Tower server |
TOWER_PASSWORD | AWX/Tower user password |
TOWER_PROJECT_URL | The AWX/Tower URL to the project that will sync this repository |
Write your tests in molecule/default/tests
to testinfra specs.
Confirm the CI/CD fails on the indepth test phase with the expected test failure.
Write a your custom role code in in roles/
to satisfy your test.