Quickly stub out the network for both your unit tests and UI tests in as few lines of code as possible.
Concentrate on maintaining the JSON as returned from the API in a few bundles inside of your app.
The basis for this technique came from an article on the justeat blog.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
You can also run the tests to understand how the library works from within the demo.
OHHTTPStubsExtensions is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile for both your main target and your unit test target:
pod "OHHTTPStubsExtensions"
This pod will install the underlying library OHHTTPStubs
Add the JSON response bundles to your main target so they can be accessed by both UI and unit tests.
The bundles consist of a rules plist file which specifies what type of response to stub and which JSON to load for that response.
There are examples in the demo.
The URLs in the response bundles accept regular expressions. See the tests and the bundles for examples.
Because the UI tests don't have their own specialized environment, unfortunately testing code needs to be added to your main target.
Add the following code to your UI test:
app = XCUIApplication()
app.launchArguments = [
The string http_success_stubs
should be replaced with the name of the
JSON responses bundle you are loading. For example, you can load a bundle called
to test your error code.
In your app target, call the following function in AppDelegate:
@import OHHTTPStubsExtensions
#import "OHHTTPStubsExtensions-Swift.h"
[HTTPStubber stubAPICallsIfNeeded];
Add the following code to your unit test:
@import OHHTTPStubsExtensions
func setUp() {
func tearDown() {
#import "OHHTTPStubsExtensions-Swift.h"
+ (void)setUp {
[super setUp];
[HTTPStubber applyStubsInBundleWithName:@"http_success_stubs"];
+ (void)tearDown {
[super tearDown];
[HTTPStubber removeAllStubs];
You can also call this at the top level of your unit tests in a class method and it will only be invoked once for the entire set of unit tests for that class. There are additional methods to:
- apply the stubs in each bundle selectively;
- load the JSON from a stub into an NSData object (for example to test your parser code)
After doing a pod install
in the Example
xcodebuild \
-workspace Example/OHHTTPStubsExtensions.xcworkspace \
-scheme OHHTTPStubsExtensions-Example \
-sdk iphonesimulator \
-destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6,OS=9.3' \
Michael Hayman, [email protected]
OHHTTPStubsExtensions is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.