Roxx-IO - The Smart Artist AI!
(currently on hold due to IRL business. Sorry!)
(currently on hold due to IRL business. Sorry!)
- Implement Web-Scraping Functionality
- Figure out a less annoying (and an off button for it) text to speech
- GUI/Web Interfacing
- Commands over IRC
- Make splash screen...smaller.
- Machine Learning to learn what art consists of
- Persistent Memory of Scraped Art
- Quick Restart Option
- Publish Dependencies on README
- Time Sync
- Discord Bot Integration
- Image Distillation
- Facial Recognition Implementation
- ImageAI implementation
While they may not be all implemented(yet?). All of these projects/repos were great references or direct sources!
Pandas 💖
TensorFlow 💖
Scrapy 💖
Keras 💖
flask 💖
Python AI Assistant
Face Recognition
ImageAI 💖