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Backtesting Module


This project is a Django-based backtesting module that integrates with Alpha Vantage API to fetch stock price data, applies a backtesting strategy using historical data, and provides machine learning-powered stock price predictions. The project is deployed on Google Cloud Run using PostgreSQL as the database and includes a CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions for automated deployment.


  • Fetch Stock Data: Retrieve daily stock prices from Alpha Vantage API and store them in a PostgreSQL database.
  • Backtesting Strategy: Perform backtests based on moving averages for trading simulation.
  • Machine Learning Predictions: Predict future stock prices using a pre-trained ML model.
  • Generate Reports: Visualize stock prices and key metrics like ROI and max drawdown, with PDF export capability.
  • CI/CD Pipeline: Automate deployment using GitHub Actions and Google Cloud Build.


  • Docker: Install Docker for containerization.
  • Google Cloud SDK: Required for deploying the application to Google Cloud.
  • Alpha Vantage API Key: Sign up here to get your API key.

Setup Instructions

Local Development

  1. Clone the repository:

          git clone
  2. Build and Run Docker Containers: Make sure Docker is installed. Run the following command to build and start the containers:

          docker-compose up --build
  3. Run Database Migrations: Inside the Docker container, apply the migrations to create the necessary database tables:

          docker-compose exec web python migrate
  4. Access the Application: Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8080. Available API endpoints: -Fetch stock data:- [http://localhost:8080/fetch-stock//] -Run backtest:- [http://localhost:8080/backtest/?symbol=&initial_investment=] -Generate report:- [http://localhost:8080/generate-report//]

  5. Running Tests To run the test suite, use the following command:

      docker-compose exec web python test
      Environment Variables

Local Environment (.env)

For local development, you can configure the following environment variables in a .env file:

     # Database settings for PostgreSQL

Cloud Environment (env.yaml)

For cloud deployment, configure your environment variables in env.yaml:

     SECRET_KEY: "your_secret_key"
     DB_NAME: "postgres"
     DB_USER: "postgres"
     DB_PASSWORD: "nkiramacumu8@@"
     DB_HOST: "/cloudsql/financial-439004:us-central1:financial-db-instance"
     ALLOWED_HOSTS: ",localhost,,"
     SQL_INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME: "financial-439004:us-central1:financial-db-instance"

Cloud Deployment (Google Cloud Run)

  1. Build Docker Image:

    docker build -t .
  2. Push Docker Image to Google Container Registry:

    docker push
  3. Submit Build to Google Cloud:

    gcloud builds submit --config=cloudbuild.yaml
  4. Deploy to Google Cloud Run:

    gcloud run deploy financial-system \
       --image \
       --platform managed \
       --region us-central1 \
       --allow-unauthenticated \
       --add-cloudsql-instances=financial-439004:us-central1:financial-db-instance \

API Endpoints

  1. Fetch Stock Data:

       GET /fetch-stock/<symbol>/
       Example: []
  2. Run Backtest:

    GET /backtest/?symbol=<symbol>&initial_investment=<amount>
    Example: []

Generate Report:

     GET /generate-report/<symbol>/?pdf
     Example: []

CI/CD Pipeline with GitHub Actions

This project includes a CI/CD pipeline setup using GitHub Actions to automate the build, push, and deployment process to Google Cloud Run. The workflow triggers on every push to the main branch, building the Docker container, pushing it to Google Container Registry (GCR), and deploying it to Google Cloud Run.

Steps in the GitHub Actions Workflow

-Checkout the code: The workflow starts by checking out the latest code from the repository. -Build Docker services using docker-compose: The workflow runs docker-compose to build the necessary services defined in docker-compose.yml. -Tag and push Docker image: After building the Docker image, it tags the image and pushes it to Google Container Registry (GCR). -Submit build to Google Cloud: The workflow submits the build to Google Cloud Build for further processing. -Deploy to Google Cloud Run: Finally, the workflow deploys the application to Google Cloud Run, making it available to the public.

GitHub Actions Configuration

To automate this process, we use a GitHub Actions workflow defined in [.github/workflows/deploy.yml]. Below is an outline of the key parts of the workflow:

  Copy code
  name: CI/CD Pipeline
        - main
      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Set up Docker Buildx
        uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1
      - name: Authenticate to Google Cloud
        run: echo "${{ secrets.GCP_SA_KEY }}" | docker login -u _json_key --password-stdin
      - name: Build Docker services using docker-compose
        run: |
          docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build
      - name: Tag and Push Docker image
        run: |
          docker tag your-service-name
          docker push
      - name: Submit build to Google Cloud
        run: |
          gcloud builds submit --config=cloudbuild.yaml
      - name: Deploy to Cloud Run
        run: |
          gcloud run deploy financial-system \
          --image \
          --platform managed \
          --region us-central1 \
          --allow-unauthenticated \
          --add-cloudsql-instances=financial-439004:us-central1:financial-db-instance \

Setting Up GitHub Secrets

To secure sensitive information like Google Cloud authentication, you need to set up GitHub Secrets:

  1. GCP_SA_KEY: Add your Google Cloud service account key in JSON format. This is required for authentication with Google Cloud to push images to the Google Container Registry (GCR) and deploy to Google Cloud Run. To add a secret in GitHub:

  2. Go to your GitHub repository.

  3. Click on Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions.

  4. Click New repository secret and add the name GCP_SA_KEY.

  5. Paste the JSON content of your service account key into the value field.

Triggering the Workflow

The workflow is automatically triggered on every push to the main branch. You can manually trigger it or make any changes to the code, push to main, and the workflow will execute automatically.

Continuous Deployment Flow

  1. Make changes to your code.
  2. Commit and push to the main branch.
  3. GitHub Actions will build the Docker image, push it to GCR, and deploy it to Google Cloud Run.
  4. The new version of the application will be live on Google Cloud Run.

Technologies Used

-Backend: Django -Database: PostgreSQL (Cloud SQL) -Machine Learning: Pre-trained model using scikit-learn -Deployment: Google Cloud Run, Docker -*CI/CD: GitHub Actions, Google Cloud Build


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