- The framework make commands ONLY work in Linux. If you have a windows computer. Please install a VM of Linux using VM Workstation. If your computer is not fast enough for a VM then you will have to duel boot. Also, for VM's make sure you use a 32 bit version of Linux.
- Build - The folder where all sub-systems module is placed in
- Build/Subsystem - Contains the main file,Makefile,documentation folder, and source folder.
- Build/Subsystem/Source -subsystem function library and other ultility library .
- Build/Subsystem/Documentation - Contain all document related to software and hardware component of the current subsystem.
- Create a new project folder in the Build directory by copying the Protolobe folder with a different name.
- Change Protolobe.c and Protolobe.h to "Your_Subsytem_Name".c and "Your_Subsystem_Name".h in the Your Subsystem directory.
- Next, change the #include "Protolobe.h" to #include "Your_Subsystem_Name.h".
- Open up the Structure.h in Source directory and change the enum name and send variable and read variable size as neccessary.Below is an example of how I would change the structure.h for the Arm Subsystem.
#ifdef _cplusplus
extern "C"{
#define SEND_ITEM_SIZE 2
#define READ_ITEM_SIZE 3
typedef enum {
//section for data to be send to mission control
//section for data to be read from mission control
typedef struct{
int data[SEND_ITEM_SIZE]; //set array size as number of send data item
typedef struct {
int data[READ_ITEM_SIZE]; //set array size as number of read data item
extern Send_Data send_data;
extern Read_Data read_data;
#ifdef _cplusplus
#endif /* Wifi */
- Now, go into Structure.c and change the following char array for :
const char* send_data_label[SEND_ITEM_SIZE] = {"send_ddata_name_1","send_data_name_2"};
- to
const char* send_data_label[SEND_ITEM_SIZE] = {"current","voltage"};
- Look in the the Protolobe.cpp and RTOS_tasks.cpp file,these have a example functions that show how to read and write to data in the Structure.h . Remember that only variable in struct send_data{} will be send to Mission Control and all data from mission control will be stored in struct read_data{}.
- To send data to Mission Control use the following function :
*Convert all data in struct send_data{} to a string and send over to mission control
*param int item_size: pass in the number of how many item in send_data
void send_data_wifi(int item_size)
- to use this function, call it exactly as follow
- To read data from Mission Control use the following function :
*Convert string from Mission Control to integer value and store them in read_data
*param int item_size: pass in the number of how many item in read_data
void read_data_wifi(int item_size)
- to use this function call it exactly as follow
- Sending XHRs from bash via curl:
curl --data "operation=\"add\"&a=1&b=2"
Follow instruction from https://esp-idf.readthedocs.io/en/v2.0/linux-setup.html#step-0-rerequisites
Go into Your Subsystem directory and type "make flash"
make menuconfig
- Open the config menu for the ESP32 toolchain.make flash
- Flash your program onto the ESP32.make monitor
- Creates all serial monitor with ESP32.