c774dbd chore: versions and build (#15 )
4f0201e allow to get logs for a sync and since a date (#19 )
0b07788 fix npm package (#18 )
24b56ec publish server on npmjs (#17 )
a90c554 change port from 8080 to 8090 to avoid conflict with nucliadb standalone (#16 )
4dca82d Ericbrehault/sc 8739/store origin path for all sync connectors (#14 )
3266684 chore: format (#13 )
e94a02b chore: config forge
d5f7344 Fix [sc-8784]: Fix sitemap connector (#12 )
5fecf51 Improve error management (#11 )
338045d Merge pull request #10 from nuclia/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/server/vite-5.1.0
1f951f1 Merge pull request #9 from nuclia/oriolperramon8396/sc-8786/fix-dropbox-connector
e3584e7 chore(deps-dev): bump vite from 5.0.10 to 5.1.0 in /server
fa7b48c [sc-8786] Fix Dropbox connector
82576d5 chore: logos and update deps
17fc398 Merge pull request #8 from nuclia/ericbrehault/sc-8410/support-sitemap-in-sync-agent
9ddb1a1 use fetch instead of axios
da54095 fix dependencies
a55b92b lint
0f3839c Confluence connector
ecfcae9 sitemap connector
d6bacea get link instead of file if the source is external
044d9d0 fix log filename whatever the locales are
2371083 start syncing immediately
c011839 Start server procces sync (#7 )
a72620d Merge pull request #6 from nuclia/test-connectors
91bc4ef test: Add tests for refresh_endpoint param in oauth connectors
2d9380c Merge pull request #5 from nuclia/ericbrehault/sc-8281/support-onedrive-and-sharepoint-in-synchronizer
c893871 fix test
e4f9303 fix test
6c8788f sharepoint
578bd28 support onedrive
17dac9c fix refresh token
fb5e935 choe: delete vitest from electron app
a627a43 Create npm package (#3 )
866b425 Merge pull request #4 from nuclia/ericbrehault/sc-8279/support-dropbox-in-synchronizer
76fce00 dropbox implementation
53bd873 Merge pull request #2 from nuclia/use-case-sync
fd00145 feat: synchronise all files in the folder if it has not been synchronised before
8c8e124 test: get auth endpoint
07c81e4 feat: error messages validate sync obj
3088de6 refactor: get auth
2ff1e6c Merge branch 'main' into use-case-sync
289f924 Merge pull request #1 from nuclia/adapt-to-front
53a952b feat: add zod validations, update entity and create sync use cases.
e398f08 feat: add isAccesTokenValid in connector interface
b2b7449 feat: add synchronization events
ecf78cf chore: tsconfig
02a9bd6 chore: add some dependences ( zod, nuclia/core, localstore-polyfill, mime-types)
e65ef17 fix tests
8d4c580 lint
50e3866 add /auth endpoint
c4f997d at creation time, the parameters are usually incomplete
384f048 fix refresh param
f73086e fix path
3348303 support CORS + fix status endpoint
2e5ccc1 feat: add sync validations
3de3b92 feat: add conectors to logic folder and some tests
f560173 wip: add connectors, folder and gdrive
12f391e feat: add payload to logs
2a691dd feat: add logs after some sync actions
8c16558 refactor: Using dto
e886b9a feat: add logs and refactor to organize logic
b793760 refactor: change source name to sync
0ba0fca chore: add prettier and eslint
102ba98 feat: add connectors routes
988e029 feat: refactor server and add some tests
3230e92 chore: gitignore
a7c169e chore: delete build folder
d99a681 wip: Electron server, add souces endpoints
777e77b chore: delete deno apps
d6a9cda wip: modify electron app to create a systray and delete ui
1d4a4e4 wip: add deno systray
9c2354b chore: delete appdmg package
88171c2 chore: add appdmg dep
3172ac9 chore: build macos latest
34b5afb chore: add github token to build
771aef7 chore: github token, release job
bc017f1 chore: release job
80e3257 chore: github actions and electron forge config
91861c4 chore: electron forge config
9f29b1f chore: add @electron-forge/publisher-github package
d3c4fbe chore: add release workflow
888b296 wip: create a deno server and an electron app
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