This middleware allows you to use Laravel 5.x Session library with Slim 3. The benefit of this is being able to use different Session stores with the same API.
Via Composer
composer require ackee/laravel-session
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use Slim\Http\Request;
use Slim\Http\Response;
$app = new Slim\App();
$container = $app->getContainer();
// This is needed for file based session driver
$container['files'] = function () {
return new Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem();
$container['config'] = new Illuminate\Config\Repository();
// These are the configs or you could load them from an external file
// cf
$container['config']['session.lifetime'] = 120; // Minutes idleable
$container['config']['session.expire_on_close'] = false;
$container['config']['session.lottery'] = array(2, 100); // lottery--how often do they sweep storage location to clear old ones?
$container['config']['session.cookie'] = 'laravel_session';
$container['config']['session.path'] = '/';
$container['config']['session.domain'] = null;
$container['config']['session.driver'] = 'file';
$container['config']['session.files'] = __DIR__ . '/sessions';
$container->register(new Ackee\LaravelSession\PimpleSessionServiceProvider);
$app->add(new Ackee\LaravelSession\Middleware($container->get('session')));
$app->get('/', function ($request, $response, $args) {
$this->session->set('test', 'This is my session data');
return $response->write('Session set.');
$app->get('/test', function ($request, $response, $args) {
$test = $this->session->get('test');
return $response->write($test);
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.