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React Workshop


python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8081

brew install kidoman/tools/serve
go get kidoman/tools/serve



Day 1


Install node

brew install node

Install jspm

npm install -g jspm

Use this HTML base template.

React Overview

React advocates component based programming, i.e. writing small, reusable, loosely coupled components (the principle of the 'separation of concern').

Each change triggers entire application re-render.

Component composition « equals to » function composition.

React supports many ES6 features e.g. classes

ES6 can be compiled to ES5 using Babel.

The problem with Angular

  • peculiar coding style
  • its emulation of an HTML templating system that belongs on the server instead of in the browser,
  • its serious and fundamental performance issues.

Why you should not use AngularJS

React 0

React library and related are served from a CDN for simplicity.

We use text/babel script type to start with ES6 right away.

render returns a tree of React components that will eventually render to HTML.

<p> is not actual DOM nodes, it's an instantiation of a React div component. Thus, XSS protection is the default.

ReactDOM.render() instantiates the root component, starts the framework, and injects the markup into a raw DOM element, provided as the second argument

  1. Change font color

React 1

JSX is a JavaScript syntax extension that looks similar to XML.

JSX is a syntactic sugar over function invocation.

It is a concise and familiar syntax (designers) for defining tree structures with attributes.

The JSX compiler will automatically rewrite HTML tags to React.createElement(tagName).

React 2

A component can depend on data passed in from its parent. This data is available as a 'property' on the child component and it is accessed through this.props.

By surrounding a JavaScript expression in curly braces {} inside JSX, you can drop text or React components into the tree.

We access named attributes passed to the component as keys on this.props and any nested elements as this.props.children.

  1. Remove <div> from content
  2. Play with spread attributes i.e. {...props}

React 3

To implement interactions, we introduce mutable state to the component.

State is being set in constructor().

this.state is private to the component and can be changed by calling this.setState().

An event can modify state leading to application re-render.

Ideally, there shouldn't be a component state.

render() methods are written declaratively as functions of this.props and this.state.

  1. why it doesn't work ?
  2. add on hover event that changes something

React.createClass has a built-in magic feature that bound all methods to this automatically for you, but it's not built-in into React's class model. You can explicitly prebind methods in your constructor.

Methods follow the same semantics as regular ES6 classes, i.e. they don't automatically bind this to the instance. You'll have to explicitly use .bind(this) or arrow functions =>.

Be aware that binding a function creates a new function. You can either bind it directly in render(), which means a new function will be created every time the component renders, or bind it in your constructor, which will only fire once.

constructor() {
  this.changeContent = this.changeContent.bind(this);


render() {
  return <input onChange={this.changeContent.bind(this)} />;

React 4

Input field is linked to the application state.

React 5

We use a JSON file as a database.

componentDidMount() is a method called automatically by React when a component is rendered.

We use the ref attribute to assign a name to a child component and this.refs to reference the DOM node.

  1. Try to replace refs with state for the form
  2. Try to implement a proper backend so POSTing works
  • an issue with explicitly returning 204 status code

React 6

Let's use Browserify.

Browserify lets you require('modules') in the browser by bundling up all of your dependencies.

There is an optimistic adding for comments.

React 7

JSPM is (another) JavaScript Package Manager. It uses SystemJS, an universal module loader for JavaScript: it can load CommonJS modules, AMD and globals. It can also translate from ES6 to ES5, i.e. we don't need another tool for that.

npm init

We will use universal package.json to store dependencies.

config.js is an configuration file that JSPM maintains.

// How to put it somewhere else

Let's check Network tab to see what's being fetch by JSPM.

Browser's fetch API.

Install 1st module

jspm install fetch=npm:whatwg-fetch

Polyfills as global (check Network tab)

import 'fetch'

debugger allows for debugging on the un-transpiled code.

React 8

The only way to mutate the state is to emit an action, an object describing what happened.

Reducers are just pure functions that take the previous state and an action, and return the next state.

Actions are payloads of information that send data from your application to your store (only source of information for the store). You send them to the store using store.dispatch().

Only top-level components (e.g. route handlers) should be aware of Redux.

connect() function provided by react-redux turns a dumb Counter into a smart component. It does not modify the passed React component, it returns a new, connected component.

React 9

  1. Add a todo item removal.
  2. Mark as incomplete.
  3. Implement a server side data store.

Intro do WebPack

React 9a

Simple webpack application.

  1. Convert React 8 to WebPack
  2. Convert React 9 to WebPack

React 9b

Hot reloading

  1. Add it to React 8
  2. Add it to React 9


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