This is literally just my most recent singleplayer minecraft world. Started when I started university (Sept 2018) and lived for a good year before I got bored.
This is the second design, I got bored of the old one a long time ago. Most of it is just empty room.
The sugarcane and bamboo farms are harvested with a slimeblock flying machine and collected via hopper minecarts. The bamboo all goes into my furnace system and is my primary source of fuel. The carrot/potato farm is villager powered. The cactus farm feeds into a passive XP farm I use for repairing my mending tools and stuff.
32 Furnaces grouped in 8 furnace chunks all fed by an endless stream of bamboo. I can throw items in on the ground floor of my base and they get sent back smelted through a dropper chain. It is complete overkill.
A basic flushing system. Originally a creeper farm, but I ended up having way more gunpowder than I could use. Items are transported to the surface through a water stream.
I think the new update broke this...
I don't want to know how many hours I've wasted on this block game.