1.2.0-beta3 [Testnet]
Wallet Download:
Update log of NULS test-net v1.2.0-beta3:
- The size of the transaction remarks has been increased to 600 bytes,this update involves protocol changes, and the test network packing nodes need to be upgraded to the latest version as soon as possible, otherwise, the credit value will be decreased
- The maximum gas consumption for the smart contract view method increased to 100 million, and can be configured in module.ini through max.view.gas=10xxxxx00
Docs&Plugin Download:
This is a zip package containing the operation manual on the wallet related to the smart contract, Developer's documentation for smart contract, smart contract plugin and operation manual on the IDEA development tool
Data of testnet:
Data.zip is a file which contains a snapshot from block 0-807761. Needs to be placed in the wallet root directory (.\NULS-Wallet-win64-1.2.0-beta3\data).