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Détection d'un blob dans une image ainsi que détection des comprimés de nourriture. Simulation d'un blob dans PyGame à travers un système multi-agents à connaissance partagée.


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Blob Simulation & Detection

Detection of a blob in an image as well as detection of food tablets. Simulation of a blob in PyGame through a shared knowledge multi-agent system.

A french translation of this document is available here.
Ce document est aussi disponible en français ici.

  1. How to use
  2. Requirements
  3. To go further
  4. Releases
  5. License
  6. Legal notices

How to use

You will find detailed descriptions of the different scripts and configuration files here.


To go further

You will find some scientific articles and tips related to the development of this project here.


Release 2.2 - 24/06/2019

Modifications :

  • Add a requirements.txt file with the versions of the modules used
  • Transform "input" argument into positional

Scripts :

  • Setup : python data/example.jpg
  • Detection : python data/example.jpg
  • Simulation : python data/output-examples/example-detect.board -s 3
  • Compare : python data/output-examples/simulation/10_loops/10_loops.board data/output-examples/simulation/100_loops/100_loops.board -s 3

Release 2.1 - 7/06/2019

Modifications :

  • Move scripts to the root folder
  • Change the name of the files recorded by the detection
  • Automation of the different scripts
  • Add a "hidden" mode of operation
  • Automation of the simulation with new parameters and final save
    • Add parameter to initialize food
    • Add parameter to control how simulation is displayed
  • Standardize parameters between different scripts
  • Ability to refine a detected template with an additional information file
  • Color values in a separate json file
  • Add examples for the scripts

Scripts :

  • Setup : python -i data/example.jpg
  • Detection : python -i data/example.jpg
  • Simulation : python -i data/output-examples/example-detect.board -s 3
  • Compare : python --first data/output-examples/simulation/10_loops/10_loops.board --second data/output-examples/simulation/100_loops/100_loops.board -s 3

Here are the outputs : Detection script output Simulation after 100 iterations Comparison script output

Release 2.0 - 27/05/2019

Switching to this release invalidates the previous backup files because the format has been changed.

Modifications :

  • Improved blob logic (ants have a horizon view, explorers have two modes of operation and the blob manages better how many ants it can use)
  • Improved food utilization (the link between detection and virtual is more realistic, the food can run out and it is easier to add or remove food in large quantities)
  • Transform some files to a json format (especially player and blob files)
  • Move a series of variables into configuration files and create "default" configuration files
  • Simplification of the interface color changeover
  • Add a script to compare two backups

The new interface will produce images like this :

simulation interface

To call comparison script on one example : python --first example/test.board --second example/test-run.board

It will display an image like this one :

Comparison between two simulations

Release 1.1 - 13/05/2019

Bug fixes, code reorganization into folders and files. The three executable scripts are now located here :

  • Setup : detection/
  • Blob detection in a single image : detection/
  • Simulation : simulation/

To run the example : python simulation/ --save_dir example/ --init_from test

Release 1.0 - 02/05/2019

First version of a simulator as well as detection in an image.

The complete workflow is usable, starting from a first setup, followed by detections and simulations. It still requires manual operations though.

First, call detection/, Then detection/, the board file for the simulation is generated in the console, to be replaced in a file if the console has to start a simulation

The file can be launched separately or from an example file. To get the example, please run : python --save_dir example/ --init_from test

You then should get this simulation :

Simulation screenshot


Actions on the blob

  • P start an stop simulation
  • RETURN next simulation step
  • K kill one of the ants
  • A add one ant

Player actions

  • Right click add a food pellet at the clicked location / (Debug mode) add blob at the clicked location
  • N clean the board
  • R randomly add food pellet
  • H display the current size of the blob (percent)

Admin actions

  • D switch between normal and debug modes
  • UP increase blob evaporation
  • DOWN decrease blob evaporation
  • SPACE show where are the ants
  • S save the simulation


Copyright (C) 2019 - UMons

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

Legal notices

This publication has been produced in the framework of the Interreg cross-border cooperation project C2L3PLAY, co-financed by the European Union.
With the support of the European Regional Development Fund /
Avec le soutien du Fonds européen de développement régional /
Met steun van het Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling


Détection d'un blob dans une image ainsi que détection des comprimés de nourriture. Simulation d'un blob dans PyGame à travers un système multi-agents à connaissance partagée.








