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A React app for anonymously sharing bookmarks over Internet

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Local install

Navigate to project folder and run the following commands to install dependencies

$ npm install
$ cd client && npm install

And start development

$ npm run dev

To build and deploy

$ npm run build
$ npm start

Configuration files

  • package.json keeps track of package dependencies
  • pm2.config.js provides environment variables for pm2 command
  • buildspec.yml is a configuration for building application on AWS CodePipeline where artifacts are the retained files and folders after build

Walkthrough for creating React frontend with NodeJS backend

The app was developed on Ubuntu 18.04 machine.


Create react app

Download nodejs and npm commands.


npx create-react-app <app-name> --template typescript
cd <app-name>
npm install
npm start

Increase inotify file watchers if you get the following error

Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached

sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288

Note: the above command works until reboot


npm install --save react-router-dom mongodb express mongodb-client-encryption mongoose
npm install --save-dev @types/react-router-dom @types/express @types/mongodb @types/mongoose concurrently


  • Component names must start with a capital letter to differentiate HTML tags from the component name.
  • class to className inside JSX
  • Use camel case, e.g. background-color to backgroundColor
  • To add custom attribute, use prefix data-, e.g. <div data-myAttr=3>


Add admin user using mongo command interface

$ mongo
> use admin
> db.createUser(
    user: "myUserAdmin",
    pwd: passwordPrompt(), // or cleartext password below version 4.2
    roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }, "readWriteAnyDatabase" ]

Enable authentication and restart mongodb service with systemctl restart mongodb

# /etc/mongodb.conf


Authenticate using command line options

$ mongo --authenticationDatabase 'admin' -u 'adminuser' -p

Create restricted user

> use bookmarks
> db.createUser({
    user: 'bookmarker',
    pwd: 'password',
    roles: [
        {role: 'readWrite', db: 'bookmarks'}

Then authenticate using the new user

$ mongo --authenticationDatabase 'bookmarks' -u 'bookmarker' -p

Create NodeJS backend with Express

Install express for backend API calls. cors is needed to make cross-origin requests work because during development React different port number than the backend.

mkdir bookmarkShare
cd bookmarkShare
npm install --save express cors nodemon mongoose

Note: --save option adds package as a dependency on package.json file. While --save-dev for non-build environment, so these packages are not present in npm build.

Create .gitignore file

# .gitignore


For easier deployment either move React frontend to the subfolder, .e.g bookmarkShare/client.


Install dotenv package

npm install --save dotenv

Create .env file at project root directory; this where we keep API keys.

# .env

Initially add .env file without credentials to git, then ignore changes to it by adding it to .gitignore and running the following command,

git add .env
git commit -m 'Added .env file'
git update-index --assume-unchanged .env

For continuous delivery, the better option is to create environment variable on the server side and use it in the application.

That can be done via Configuration under Environments on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. The environment variable is not visible to a user, so it can't be accessed via EC2 console because the environment variable is directly passed to the launching npm start command.


We can either build static files locally and push to the git repo or let AWS build it for us. The latter allows to keep the repo clean and reduces its size.

If you already pushed build files, then overwrite history with. The following command will delete client/build from git history and local files as well

git filter-branch --tree-filter "rm -rf client/build" --prune-empty HEAD

You will need to force change to push remote

git push -f origin master

AWS Beanstalk

Based on logs, the default port is 8080 which gets routed to port 80 for public access

Jun  3 19:37:43 ip-172-31-5-220 web: > [email protected] start /var/app/current
Jun  3 19:37:43 ip-172-31-5-220 web: > node app.js
Jun  3 19:37:43 ip-172-31-5-220 web: Server running at

Create zip file using git for manual upload to Beanstalk. Make sure to not include root directory!

git archive --format=zip HEAD >

AWS Beanstalk automatically stars the application with npm start command. If you need to apply changes that you made on the server, kill node process and it will be automatically restarted,

sudo pkill -f node

The unzipped application is stored on /var/app/current/.

To directly connect to AWS Beanstalk terminal, create key pair on Configuration under application environment. Then use the key to connect,

ssh -o 'IdentitiesOnly yes' -i ~/Downloads/key.pem [email protected]

We use -o options so that only the specified key is used, otherwise AWS will drop multiple attemps to authenticate. Also use IP address to avoid DNS issues.

Note: When connecting to the EC2 instance via browser the user is can be root, but for ssh connection it is ec2-user.

AWS CodePipeline

Add github as a source for Codepipeline. When specifying buildspec leave the field empty so by default it looks for buildspec.yml at the project root directory.

The install commands are run before build. The artifacts indicates which files to save and deploy after build is finished. The artifacts files are placed under /var/app/current/ (older content is removed) on AWS EC2 server, and launched with npm start.

# buildspec.yml
version: 0.2

      - echo Installing backend modules...
      - npm ci --only=production
      - echo Install frontend modules...
      - cd client && npm ci
      - echo Building static files for client...
      - npm run build
    - ./*
    - node_modules/**/*
    - client/build/**/*

Note: **/* means to recursively select all files

If you get the following error, then change the version line to version: 0.2 on buildspec.yml.

[Container] 2021/06/03 06:13:19 YAML location is /codebuild/output/src233444839/src/buildspec.yml
[Container] 2021/06/03 06:13:19 Phase complete: DOWNLOAD_SOURCE State: FAILED
[Container] 2021/06/03 06:13:19 Phase context status code: YAML_FILE_ERROR Message: invalid buildspec `version` specified: 1.0, see documentation

As an additional touch, change title of the website in public/index.html and public/manifest.json and replace favicon.ico.

Get webpage title and icon if bookmark is URL

Using navigator.clipboard is only available for HTTPS and localhost connections. If it is not available, we can make use of window.getSelection() so that user themself can copy the selected text.

In order to fetch icon and page titles of webpage, its HTML page is searched for <title> and <link rel="icon"> tags. This way our Express backend can respond with 3-tuple of bookmark, title and favicon URL texts.


A React app for anonymously sharing bookmarks over Internet






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