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Setting Up CheckStyle

nothingistrue edited this page Sep 12, 2022 · 7 revisions

Setting Up Checkstyle

  1. On your host machine, download the checkstyle-8.2-all.jar and the cs2030_checks.xml file to the folder that is mounted to your docker container's /workspace. The following commands below downloads the required files for Ubuntu terminal, Windows WSL, Mac terminal.
git clone
cp 2223-s1/checkstyle-10.3.3-all.jar <folder mounted on docker>
cp 2223-s1/cs2030_checks.xml <folder mounted on docker>

You can also go to click the checkstyle link and styles xml link to download and move the files manually to the right location.

  1. Start the docker container. In the container, make sure you place these 2 files in the same directory as your java files.

  2. In the container, to run the checkstyle command, execute the following command:

java -jar ./checkstyle-10.3.3-all.jar -c ./cs2030_checks.xml *.java 
  1. To run the checkstyle on specific files, execute the following command:
java -jar ./checkstyle-10.3.3-all.jar -c ./cs2030_checks.xml [YOUR_JAVA_FILES]

For example:

java -jar ./checkstyle-10.3.3-all.jar -c ./cs2030_checks.xml 

Shortcut to run Checkstyle

In Docker's Terminal

Place the alias at the bottom of your .bashrc file or wherever you prefer. (If you are using zsh, replace .bashrc below with .zshrc.)

  1. Edit .bashrc file in vim
vim ~/.bashrc

2a. To make checkstyle alias on all java files in the folder Add alias to anywhere in the file and save it (w!)

alias checkstyle="java -jar /[PATH_TO_FOLDER]/checkstyle-10.3.3-all.jar -c /[PATH_TO_FOLDER]/cs2030_checks.xml *.java"

ALTERNATIVE 2b. To make checkstyle alias on specific java file only Add alias to anywhere in the file and save it (w!)

alias checkstyle="java -jar /[PATH_TO_FOLDER]/checkstyle-10.3.3-all.jar -c /[PATH_TO_FOLDER]/cs2030_checks.xml"
  1. Read and execute the file
source ~/.bashrc

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