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License: MIT GitHub: Actions

Zero Touch Framework

ZTF is a tool used to automate end-to-end deployment and configuration of Nutanix Cloud Platform without human intervention, hence the name Zero Touch. The tool can also be extended to manage Day-1 and Day-2 operations as well.

Note: ZTF has been primarily built to automate Nutanix Validated Designs at scale. All the existing workflows and scripts have been tested against: AOS: 6.5.x, 6.7.x, 6.8.x PC 2022.6.x, 2023.4.x, 2024.1.x Calm 3.5.2 and 3.6.0


  • For Imaging and Cluster creation:
    • Foundation Central is enabled and configured such that it can access the networks, the nodes are discoverable on. For how to enable, set up Foundation Central and provide the API key to your DHCP server, refer to the Foundation Central Guide.
    • Set up a local web server for downloading AOS tar and AHV iso files.
    • If AOS and AHV files are downloaded over https from Web Server, it needs to have a valid cert issued by a trusted certificate authority (CA). Certificates from a custom CA are not accepted. If we need to skip this validation for https, we need to upgrade the Foundation version on the CVMs to and above.
  • For dark-site deployments:
    • Web Server needs to be setup to download the images, if there are any operations related to image upload and download (PC deploy, Image Upload, Ova upload etc.)
  • For running ZTF using GitHub Actions (GitHub workflows):
    • A GitHub Self-hosted Runner Ubuntu VM with access to deploy and run configurations on the intended infrastructure configured in the GitHub actions to run the workflows.
  • For running ZTF locally on a VM
    • Click here to read about how to set up environment to run ZTF locally

Running ZTF using GitHub Actions

This tool works as GitOps, i.e. using this repository to manage Infrastructure as Code (IaC). The workflows and scripts can be directly triggered from GitHub through various actions. Click here to read more about triggering GitHub Actions.

Running ZTF locally on a VM

The first file that needs to be configured is the global.yml. Here, we will define the Vault and IPAM configuration.

Once global.yml is defined, you can either run the pre-existing functional workflows using the WORKFLOW and FILE parameters or run specific scripts using SCRIPT, SCHEMA, and FILE parameters.

Running existing Workflows

Below are the pre-defined workflows and how to run these workflows.

Also, there are several workflows below that support Pod deployment and configuration. Here, "Enterprise Edge Pod Conceptual Design" is used to deploy and manage infrastructure at scale. In this design, a Pod can manage several blocks (pod_blocks) and each block (pod_block) can manage multiple edge_sites and each edge_site can manage multiple clusters at the edge.

  • imaging
    • This is a Pod workflow.
    • This workflow is used to Image the nodes using Foundation Central and create Clusters. An example config template is provided in config/example-configs/pod-configs/pod-deploy.yml. Copy this to the config directory, modify the configuration and then run this workflow using the command below inside virtualenv.
      python --workflow imaging -f config/pod-deploy.yml
    • Note: If you are not using the Pod conceptual design and just want to image nodes and create clusters, just enter dummy values for "pod_name" and "pod_block_name" in the example-config.
  • pod-config
    • This is a Pod workflow.
    • This workflow is used to configure the Pod. An example config template is provided in config/example-configs/pod-configs/pod-config.yml. Copy this to the config directory, modify the configuration and then run this workflow using the command below inside virtualenv.
      python --workflow pod-config -f config/pod-config.yml
    • Using the Pod conceptual design, you can configure the block PC (pc_ip) and clusters at the edge (edge_sites).
    • This workflow can also be used when you want to configure both PC and the clusters at the same time.
  • deploy-management-pc
    • This is a Pod workflow.
    • This will deploy Prism Centrals in the specified Clusters and also deploys NCM in the deployed Prism Central. An example config template is provided in config/example-configs/pod-configs/pod-management-deploy.yml. Copy this to the config directory, modify the configuration and then run this workflow using the command below inside virtualenv.
      python --workflow deploy-management-pc -f config/pod-management-deploy.yml
  • config-management-pc
    • This is a Pod workflow.
    • This will perform Initial configurations on the deployed Prism Centrals and NCMs in the Pod. We can also specify the clusters that need to be registered to this deployed Prism Central. An example config template is provided in config/example-configs/pod-configs/pod-management-config.yml. Copy this to the config directory, modify the configuration and then run this workflow using the command below inside virtualenv.
      python --workflow config-management-pc -f config/pod-management-config.yml
  • deploy-pc
    • This will deploy Prism Centrals in the specified Clusters. An example config template is provided in config/example-configs/workflow-configs/pc-deploy.yml. Copy this to the config directory, modify the configuration and then run this workflow using the command below inside virtualenv.
      python --workflow deploy-pc -f config/pc-deploy.yml
  • config-pc
    • This will configure the deployed Prism Centrals. An example config template is provided in config/example-configs/workflow-configs/pc-config.yml. Copy this to the config directory, modify the configuration and then run this workflow using the command below inside virtualenv.
      python --workflow config-pc -f config/pc-config.yml
  • config-cluster
    • This will configure the newly deployed Clusters. An example config template is provided in config/example-configs/workflow-configs/cluster-config.yml. Copy this to the config directory, modify the configuration and then run this workflow using the command below inside virtualenv.
      python --workflow config-cluster -f config/cluster-config.yml
  • calm-vm-workloads
    • This will use calm-dsl to create VM workloads on Clusters using NCM Self-Service from single or multiple calm-dsl files. An example config template is provided in config/example-configs/workflow-configs/create-vm-workloads.yml. Copy this to the config directory, modify the configuration and then run this workflow using the command below inside virtualenv.
      python --workflow calm-vm-workloads -f config/create-vm-workloads.yml
  • calm-edgeai-vm-workload
    • This will use calm-dsl to create Edge-AI VM workload on Clusters using NCM Self-Service from single or multiple calm-dsl files. An example config template is provided in config/example-configs/workflow-configs/edge-ai.json. Copy this to the config directory, modify the configuration and then run this workflow using the command below inside virtualenv.
      python --workflow calm-edgeai-vm-workload -f config/edge-ai.json

To summarize, the input files can either be json or yaml files. You can find example configurations in config/example-configs directory. Copy the required config file, inside config directory. Pass the -f and --workflow as inputs and run the workflow.

Running individual scripts or operations

If we don't want to use pre-defined workflows, we can always run the needed operations with the below scripts. For this, the framework expects SCRIPT, SCHEMA and FILE parameters to run the specified scripts, where SCHEMA is optional. SCHEMA if specified verifies the correctness of input configuration. Below is the list of supported scripts available.

Script Operation Example config
AddAdServerPe Adds Active Directory in PE authentication_pe.yml
AddAdServerPc Adds Active Directory in PC
AddAdUsersOss Adds AdUsers in Objects directory_services_oss.yml
AddDirectoryServiceOss Adds Active Directory in Objects directory_services_oss.yml
AddNameServersPc Adds nameservers in PC dns_ntp_pc.yml
AddNameServersPe Adds nameservers in PE dns_ntp_pe.yml
AddNtpServersPc Adds NTP servers in PC dns_ntp_pc.yml
AddNtpServersPe Adds NTP servers in PE dns_ntp_pe.yml
ConnectToAz Connects to AZs remote_az.yml
CreateAddressGroups Creates Address Groups in PC address_groups_pc.yml
CreateBuckets Creates buckets in an Objectstore objectstore_buckets.yml
CreateAppFromDsl Creates Calm Application from calm dsl create-vm-workloads.yml
CreateNcmProject Creates Calm projects create-vm-workloads.yml
CreateContainerPe Creates Storage container in PE storage_container_pe.yml
CreateKarbonClusterPc Creates NKE Clusters in PC nke_clusters.yml
CreateObjectStore Creates Objectstores in PC objectstore_buckets.yml
CreateCategoryPc Creates Categories in PC category_pc.yml
CreateSubnetsPc Creates subnets in PC subnets_pc.yml
CreateProtectionPolicy Creates ProtectionPolicy in PC protection_policy.yml
CreateRecoveryPlan Creates RecoveryPlan in PC recovery_plan.yml
CreateRoleMappingPe Creates Role mapping in PE authentication_pe.yml
CreateRoleMappingPc Creates Role mapping in PC authentication_pc.yml
CreateNetworkSecurityPolicy Creates Security policies in PC security_policy.yml
CreateNcmAccount Creates NTNX PC account in NCM ncm_account_users.yml
CreateNcmUser Creates users in NCM ncm_account_users.yml
CreateServiceGroups Creates Service Groups in PC service_groups.yml
EnableDR Enables DR in PC pc_creds.yml
EnableMicrosegmentation Enables Flow in PC pc_creds.yml
EnableNke Enables Karbon/ NKE in PC pc_creds.yml
EnableObjects Enables Objects in PC pc_creds.yml
InitCalmDsl Initialize calm dsl create-vm-workloads.yml
ChangeDefaultAdminPasswordPe Change PE admin password initial_cluster_config.yml
AcceptEulaPe Accept Eula PE initial_cluster_config.yml
UpdatePulsePe Update Pulse PE initial_cluster_config.yml
ChangeDefaultAdminPasswordPc Change PC password initial_pc_config.yml
AcceptEulaPc Accept Eula PC initial_pc_config.yml
UpdatePulsePc Update Pulse PC initial_pc_config.yml
PcImageUpload Uploads images to PC clusters pc_image.yml
PcOVAUpload Uploads OVAs to PC clusters pc_ova.yml
RegisterToPc Registers clusters to PC register_to_pc.yml
ShareBucket Shares a bucket with a list of users objectstore_buckets.yml
UpdateDsip Updates DSIP in PE update_dsip.yml
EnableFC Enables Foundation Central in FC pc_creds.yml
GenerateFcApiKey Generates Foundation Central API Key generate_fc_api_key.yml
DeleteSubnetsPc Delete Subnets in PC subnets_pc.yml
DeleteSubnetsPe Delete Subnets in PE subnets_pe.yml
DeleteAdServerPc Delete Active Directory in PC authentication_pc.yml
DeleteAdServerPe Delete Active Directory in PE authentication_pe.yml
DeleteAddressGroups Delete Address Groups in PC address_groups_pc.yml
DeleteNameServersPc Delete Name Servers in PC dns_ntp_pc.yml
DeleteNameServersPe Delete Name Servers in PE dns_ntp_pe.yml
DeleteNtpServersPc Delete NTP Servers in PC dns_ntp_pc.yml
DeleteNtpServersPe Delete NTP Servers in PE dns_ntp_pe.yml
DeleteCategoryPc Delete Categories in PC category_pc.yml
DeleteProtectionPolicy Delete Protection Policies in PC protection_policy.yml
DeleteRecoveryPlan Delete Recovery Plans in PC recovery_plan.yml
DeleteRoleMappingPc Delete Role Mappings in PC authentication_pc.yml
DeleteRoleMappingPe Delete Role Mappings in PE authentication_pc.yml
DeleteNetworkSecurityPolicy Delete Security Policies in PC security_policy.yml
DeleteServiceGroups Delete Service Groups in PC service_groups.yml
DeleteVmPc Delete VMs in PC delete_vms_pc.yml
DeleteVmPe Delete VMs in PE delete_vms_pe.yml
DisconnectAz Disconnects Availability Zones in PC remote_az.yml
PcImageDelete Delete Images in PC pc_image.yml
PcOVADelete Delete OVAs in PC pc_ova.yml
CreateIdp Create SAML2 compliant Identity Provider in PC saml_idp.yml
UpdateCvmFoundation Update CVM Foundation Version update_cvm_foundation.yml
HaReservation Enable/Disable HA Reservation in PE ha.yml
RebuildCapacityReservation Enable/Disable Rebuild Capacity Reservation in PE rebuild_capcity_reservation.yml

To summarize, the input files can either be json or yaml files. You can find example configurations in config/example-configs directory. Copy the required config file, inside config directory. Pass the -f and --script as inputs and run the workflow.

Note: You can also pass the optional schema parameter to validate the inputs against. Check for schema details.

Example: Trigger scripts with input files

  > python --script AddAdServerPe,CreateRoleMappingPe --schema AD_CREATE_SCHEMA -f config/authentication_pe.yml
  > python --script EnableObjects,CreateObjectStore --schema OBJECTS_CREATE_SCHEMA -f config/objectstore_buckets.yml

Note: The path to the config file, should be defined relative to the root of the project, not to the framework directory