All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
createTasks | POST /devicemgmt/tasks | Create a new task for one or more devices |
deleteServerProperties | DELETE /devicemgmt/devices/{did}/serverproperties | Deletes a device's properties. |
getAllByDid | GET /devicemgmt/devices/{did}/tasks | Returns the list of tasks for a particular device id with optional status filter. |
getAllPendingTasksByDid | GET /devicemgmt/devices/{did}/pendingtasks | Returns the list of pending tasks for a particular device id. |
getDeviceTypesInfo | GET /devicemgmt/devicetypes/{dtid} | Read a device type device management information. |
getManifestProperties | GET /devicemgmt/devicetypes/{dtid}/manifest/properties | Get a device type's device management manifest properties |
getProperties | GET /devicemgmt/devices/{did}/properties | Read a device's properties. |
getStatuses | GET /devicemgmt/tasks/{tid}/statuses | Returns the details and status of a task id and the individual statuses of each device id in the list. |
getStatusesHistory | GET /devicemgmt/tasks/{tid}/statuses/history | Returns the history of the status changes for a specific task id, or for a specific device id in that task. |
getTaskByID | GET /devicemgmt/tasks/{tid} | Returns the details and global status of a specific task id. |
getTasks | GET /devicemgmt/tasks | Returns the all the tasks for a device type. |
notifyAboutAcceptance | POST /devicemgmt/tasks/{tid}/devices/{did}/acceptance | Notify/Inform about task acceptance status |
queryProperties | GET /devicemgmt/devices/properties | Query device properties across devices. |
updateDeviceTypesInfo | PUT /devicemgmt/devicetypes/{dtid} | Updates a device type information |
updateServerProperties | POST /devicemgmt/devices/{did}/serverproperties | Updates a device's server properties. |
updateTask | PUT /devicemgmt/tasks/{tid} | Updates a task for all devices - For now just allows changing the state to cancelled. |
updateTaskForDevice | PUT /devicemgmt/tasks/{tid}/devices/{did} | Updates a task for a specific device - For now just allows changing the state to cancelled. |
-(NSURLSessionTask*) createTasksWithTaskPayload: (ACTaskRequest*) taskPayload
completionHandler: (void (^)(ACTaskEnvelope* output, NSError* error)) handler;
Create a new task for one or more devices
Create a new task for one or more devices
ACDefaultConfiguration *apiConfig = [ACDefaultConfiguration sharedConfig];
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: artikcloud_oauth)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
ACTaskRequest* taskPayload = [[ACTaskRequest alloc] init]; // Task object to be created
ACDevicesManagementApi*apiInstance = [[ACDevicesManagementApi alloc] init];
// Create a new task for one or more devices
[apiInstance createTasksWithTaskPayload:taskPayload
completionHandler: ^(ACTaskEnvelope* output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error calling ACDevicesManagementApi->createTasks: %@", error);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
taskPayload | ACTaskRequest* | Task object to be created |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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-(NSURLSessionTask*) deleteServerPropertiesWithDid: (NSString*) did
completionHandler: (void (^)(ACMetadataEnvelope* output, NSError* error)) handler;
Deletes a device's properties.
Deletes a device's properties.
ACDefaultConfiguration *apiConfig = [ACDefaultConfiguration sharedConfig];
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: artikcloud_oauth)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
NSString* did = @"did_example"; // Device ID.
ACDevicesManagementApi*apiInstance = [[ACDevicesManagementApi alloc] init];
// Deletes a device's properties.
[apiInstance deleteServerPropertiesWithDid:did
completionHandler: ^(ACMetadataEnvelope* output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error calling ACDevicesManagementApi->deleteServerProperties: %@", error);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
did | NSString* | Device ID. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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-(NSURLSessionTask*) getAllByDidWithDid: (NSString*) did
count: (NSNumber*) count
offset: (NSNumber*) offset
status: (NSString*) status
order: (NSString*) order
sort: (NSString*) sort
completionHandler: (void (^)(ACTaskByDidListEnvelope* output, NSError* error)) handler;
Returns the list of tasks for a particular device id with optional status filter.
Returns the list of tasks for a particular device id with optional status filter.
ACDefaultConfiguration *apiConfig = [ACDefaultConfiguration sharedConfig];
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: artikcloud_oauth)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
NSString* did = @"did_example"; // Device ID.
NSNumber* count = @56; // Max results count. (optional)
NSNumber* offset = @56; // Result starting offset. (optional)
NSString* status = @"status_example"; // Status filter. Comma-separated statuses. (optional)
NSString* order = @"order_example"; // Sort results by a field. Valid fields: createdOn. (optional)
NSString* sort = @"sort_example"; // Sort order. Valid values: asc or desc. (optional)
ACDevicesManagementApi*apiInstance = [[ACDevicesManagementApi alloc] init];
// Returns the list of tasks for a particular device id with optional status filter.
[apiInstance getAllByDidWithDid:did
completionHandler: ^(ACTaskByDidListEnvelope* output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error calling ACDevicesManagementApi->getAllByDid: %@", error);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
did | NSString* | Device ID. | |
count | NSNumber* | Max results count. | [optional] |
offset | NSNumber* | Result starting offset. | [optional] |
status | NSString* | Status filter. Comma-separated statuses. | [optional] |
order | NSString* | Sort results by a field. Valid fields: createdOn. | [optional] |
sort | NSString* | Sort order. Valid values: asc or desc. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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-(NSURLSessionTask*) getAllPendingTasksByDidWithCompletionHandler:
(void (^)(ACPendingTasksList* output, NSError* error)) handler;
Returns the list of pending tasks for a particular device id.
Returns the list of all pending tasks (where acceptanceStatus is equal to WAITING ) for a particular device id.
ACDefaultConfiguration *apiConfig = [ACDefaultConfiguration sharedConfig];
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: artikcloud_oauth)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
ACDevicesManagementApi*apiInstance = [[ACDevicesManagementApi alloc] init];
// Returns the list of pending tasks for a particular device id.
[apiInstance getAllPendingTasksByDidWithCompletionHandler:
^(ACPendingTasksList* output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error calling ACDevicesManagementApi->getAllPendingTasksByDid: %@", error);
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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-(NSURLSessionTask*) getDeviceTypesInfoWithDtid: (NSString*) dtid
completionHandler: (void (^)(ACDeviceTypesInfoEnvelope* output, NSError* error)) handler;
Read a device type device management information.
Read a device type device management information.
ACDefaultConfiguration *apiConfig = [ACDefaultConfiguration sharedConfig];
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: artikcloud_oauth)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
NSString* dtid = @"dtid_example"; // Device type ID.
ACDevicesManagementApi*apiInstance = [[ACDevicesManagementApi alloc] init];
// Read a device type device management information.
[apiInstance getDeviceTypesInfoWithDtid:dtid
completionHandler: ^(ACDeviceTypesInfoEnvelope* output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error calling ACDevicesManagementApi->getDeviceTypesInfo: %@", error);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
dtid | NSString* | Device type ID. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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-(NSURLSessionTask*) getManifestPropertiesWithDtid: (NSString*) dtid
completionHandler: (void (^)(ACMetadataPropertiesEnvelope* output, NSError* error)) handler;
Get a device type's device management manifest properties
Get a device type's device management manifest properties
ACDefaultConfiguration *apiConfig = [ACDefaultConfiguration sharedConfig];
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: artikcloud_oauth)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
NSString* dtid = @"dtid_example"; // Device Type ID.
ACDevicesManagementApi*apiInstance = [[ACDevicesManagementApi alloc] init];
// Get a device type's device management manifest properties
[apiInstance getManifestPropertiesWithDtid:dtid
completionHandler: ^(ACMetadataPropertiesEnvelope* output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error calling ACDevicesManagementApi->getManifestProperties: %@", error);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
dtid | NSString* | Device Type ID. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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-(NSURLSessionTask*) getPropertiesWithDid: (NSString*) did
includeTimestamp: (NSNumber*) includeTimestamp
completionHandler: (void (^)(ACMetadataEnvelope* output, NSError* error)) handler;
Read a device's properties.
Read a device's properties.
ACDefaultConfiguration *apiConfig = [ACDefaultConfiguration sharedConfig];
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: artikcloud_oauth)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
NSString* did = @"did_example"; // Device ID.
NSNumber* includeTimestamp = @true; // Include timestamp. (optional)
ACDevicesManagementApi*apiInstance = [[ACDevicesManagementApi alloc] init];
// Read a device's properties.
[apiInstance getPropertiesWithDid:did
completionHandler: ^(ACMetadataEnvelope* output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error calling ACDevicesManagementApi->getProperties: %@", error);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
did | NSString* | Device ID. | |
includeTimestamp | NSNumber* | Include timestamp. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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-(NSURLSessionTask*) getStatusesWithTid: (NSString*) tid
count: (NSNumber*) count
offset: (NSNumber*) offset
status: (NSString*) status
dids: (NSString*) dids
completionHandler: (void (^)(ACTaskStatusesEnvelope* output, NSError* error)) handler;
Returns the details and status of a task id and the individual statuses of each device id in the list.
Returns the details and status of a task id and the individual statuses of each device id in the list.
ACDefaultConfiguration *apiConfig = [ACDefaultConfiguration sharedConfig];
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: artikcloud_oauth)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
NSString* tid = @"tid_example"; // Task ID.
NSNumber* count = @56; // Max results count. (optional)
NSNumber* offset = @56; // Result starting offset. (optional)
NSString* status = @"status_example"; // Status filter. Comma-separated statuses. (optional)
NSString* dids = @"dids_example"; // Devices filter. Comma-separated device IDs. (optional)
ACDevicesManagementApi*apiInstance = [[ACDevicesManagementApi alloc] init];
// Returns the details and status of a task id and the individual statuses of each device id in the list.
[apiInstance getStatusesWithTid:tid
completionHandler: ^(ACTaskStatusesEnvelope* output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error calling ACDevicesManagementApi->getStatuses: %@", error);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
tid | NSString* | Task ID. | |
count | NSNumber* | Max results count. | [optional] |
offset | NSNumber* | Result starting offset. | [optional] |
status | NSString* | Status filter. Comma-separated statuses. | [optional] |
dids | NSString* | Devices filter. Comma-separated device IDs. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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-(NSURLSessionTask*) getStatusesHistoryWithTid: (NSString*) tid
did: (NSString*) did
completionHandler: (void (^)(ACTaskStatusesHistoryEnvelope* output, NSError* error)) handler;
Returns the history of the status changes for a specific task id, or for a specific device id in that task.
Returns the history of the status changes for a specific task id, or for a specific device id in that task.
ACDefaultConfiguration *apiConfig = [ACDefaultConfiguration sharedConfig];
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: artikcloud_oauth)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
NSString* tid = @"tid_example"; // Task ID.
NSString* did = @"did_example"; // Device ID. Optional. (optional)
ACDevicesManagementApi*apiInstance = [[ACDevicesManagementApi alloc] init];
// Returns the history of the status changes for a specific task id, or for a specific device id in that task.
[apiInstance getStatusesHistoryWithTid:tid
completionHandler: ^(ACTaskStatusesHistoryEnvelope* output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error calling ACDevicesManagementApi->getStatusesHistory: %@", error);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
tid | NSString* | Task ID. | |
did | NSString* | Device ID. Optional. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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-(NSURLSessionTask*) getTaskByIDWithTid: (NSString*) tid
completionHandler: (void (^)(ACTaskEnvelope* output, NSError* error)) handler;
Returns the details and global status of a specific task id.
Returns the details and global status of a specific task id.
ACDefaultConfiguration *apiConfig = [ACDefaultConfiguration sharedConfig];
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: artikcloud_oauth)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
NSString* tid = @"tid_example"; // Task ID.
ACDevicesManagementApi*apiInstance = [[ACDevicesManagementApi alloc] init];
// Returns the details and global status of a specific task id.
[apiInstance getTaskByIDWithTid:tid
completionHandler: ^(ACTaskEnvelope* output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error calling ACDevicesManagementApi->getTaskByID: %@", error);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
tid | NSString* | Task ID. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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-(NSURLSessionTask*) getTasksWithDtid: (NSString*) dtid
count: (NSNumber*) count
offset: (NSNumber*) offset
status: (NSString*) status
order: (NSString*) order
sort: (NSString*) sort
completionHandler: (void (^)(ACTaskListEnvelope* output, NSError* error)) handler;
Returns the all the tasks for a device type.
Returns the all the tasks for a device type.
ACDefaultConfiguration *apiConfig = [ACDefaultConfiguration sharedConfig];
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: artikcloud_oauth)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
NSString* dtid = @"dtid_example"; // Device Type ID.
NSNumber* count = @56; // Max results count. (optional)
NSNumber* offset = @56; // Result starting offset. (optional)
NSString* status = @"status_example"; // Status filter. Comma-separated statuses. (optional)
NSString* order = @"order_example"; // Sort results by a field. Valid fields: createdOn. (optional)
NSString* sort = @"sort_example"; // Sort order. Valid values: asc or desc. (optional)
ACDevicesManagementApi*apiInstance = [[ACDevicesManagementApi alloc] init];
// Returns the all the tasks for a device type.
[apiInstance getTasksWithDtid:dtid
completionHandler: ^(ACTaskListEnvelope* output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error calling ACDevicesManagementApi->getTasks: %@", error);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
dtid | NSString* | Device Type ID. | |
count | NSNumber* | Max results count. | [optional] |
offset | NSNumber* | Result starting offset. | [optional] |
status | NSString* | Status filter. Comma-separated statuses. | [optional] |
order | NSString* | Sort results by a field. Valid fields: createdOn. | [optional] |
sort | NSString* | Sort order. Valid values: asc or desc. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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-(NSURLSessionTask*) notifyAboutAcceptanceWithTid: (NSString*) tid
did: (NSString*) did
notifyAboutAcceptanceStatus: (ACAcceptanceStatusResponse*) notifyAboutAcceptanceStatus
completionHandler: (void (^)(ACAcceptanceStatusResponse* output, NSError* error)) handler;
Notify/Inform about task acceptance status
User notify/informs to ARTIKCloud about task acceptance status
ACDefaultConfiguration *apiConfig = [ACDefaultConfiguration sharedConfig];
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: artikcloud_oauth)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
NSString* tid = @"tid_example"; // Task ID.
NSString* did = @"did_example"; // Device ID.
ACAcceptanceStatusResponse* notifyAboutAcceptanceStatus = [[ACAcceptanceStatusResponse alloc] init]; // Notify about task acceptance status
ACDevicesManagementApi*apiInstance = [[ACDevicesManagementApi alloc] init];
// Notify/Inform about task acceptance status
[apiInstance notifyAboutAcceptanceWithTid:tid
completionHandler: ^(ACAcceptanceStatusResponse* output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error calling ACDevicesManagementApi->notifyAboutAcceptance: %@", error);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
tid | NSString* | Task ID. | |
did | NSString* | Device ID. | |
notifyAboutAcceptanceStatus | ACAcceptanceStatusResponse* | Notify about task acceptance status |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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-(NSURLSessionTask*) queryPropertiesWithDtid: (NSString*) dtid
count: (NSNumber*) count
offset: (NSNumber*) offset
filter: (NSString*) filter
includeTimestamp: (NSNumber*) includeTimestamp
completionHandler: (void (^)(ACMetadataQueryEnvelope* output, NSError* error)) handler;
Query device properties across devices.
Query device properties across devices.
ACDefaultConfiguration *apiConfig = [ACDefaultConfiguration sharedConfig];
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: artikcloud_oauth)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
NSString* dtid = @"dtid_example"; // Device Type ID.
NSNumber* count = @56; // Max results count. (optional)
NSNumber* offset = @56; // Result starting offset. (optional)
NSString* filter = @"filter_example"; // Query filter. Comma-separated key=value pairs (optional)
NSNumber* includeTimestamp = @true; // Include timestamp. (optional)
ACDevicesManagementApi*apiInstance = [[ACDevicesManagementApi alloc] init];
// Query device properties across devices.
[apiInstance queryPropertiesWithDtid:dtid
completionHandler: ^(ACMetadataQueryEnvelope* output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error calling ACDevicesManagementApi->queryProperties: %@", error);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
dtid | NSString* | Device Type ID. | |
count | NSNumber* | Max results count. | [optional] |
offset | NSNumber* | Result starting offset. | [optional] |
filter | NSString* | Query filter. Comma-separated key=value pairs | [optional] |
includeTimestamp | NSNumber* | Include timestamp. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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-(NSURLSessionTask*) updateDeviceTypesInfoWithDtid: (NSString*) dtid
deviceTypeInfo: (ACDeviceTypesInfo*) deviceTypeInfo
completionHandler: (void (^)(ACDeviceTypesInfoEnvelope* output, NSError* error)) handler;
Updates a device type information
Updates a device type information
ACDefaultConfiguration *apiConfig = [ACDefaultConfiguration sharedConfig];
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: artikcloud_oauth)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
NSString* dtid = @"dtid_example"; // Device type ID.
ACDeviceTypesInfo* deviceTypeInfo = [[ACDeviceTypesInfo alloc] init]; // Device type info object to be set
ACDevicesManagementApi*apiInstance = [[ACDevicesManagementApi alloc] init];
// Updates a device type information
[apiInstance updateDeviceTypesInfoWithDtid:dtid
completionHandler: ^(ACDeviceTypesInfoEnvelope* output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error calling ACDevicesManagementApi->updateDeviceTypesInfo: %@", error);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
dtid | NSString* | Device type ID. | |
deviceTypeInfo | ACDeviceTypesInfo* | Device type info object to be set |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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-(NSURLSessionTask*) updateServerPropertiesWithDid: (NSString*) did
deviceProperties: (NSObject*) deviceProperties
completionHandler: (void (^)(ACMetadataEnvelope* output, NSError* error)) handler;
Updates a device's server properties.
Updates a device's server properties.
ACDefaultConfiguration *apiConfig = [ACDefaultConfiguration sharedConfig];
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: artikcloud_oauth)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
NSString* did = @"did_example"; // Device ID.
NSObject* deviceProperties = NULL; // Device properties object to be set
ACDevicesManagementApi*apiInstance = [[ACDevicesManagementApi alloc] init];
// Updates a device's server properties.
[apiInstance updateServerPropertiesWithDid:did
completionHandler: ^(ACMetadataEnvelope* output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error calling ACDevicesManagementApi->updateServerProperties: %@", error);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
did | NSString* | Device ID. | |
deviceProperties | NSObject* | Device properties object to be set |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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-(NSURLSessionTask*) updateTaskWithTid: (NSString*) tid
taskUpdateRequest: (ACTaskUpdateRequest*) taskUpdateRequest
completionHandler: (void (^)(ACTaskUpdateResponse* output, NSError* error)) handler;
Updates a task for all devices - For now just allows changing the state to cancelled.
Updates a task for all devices - For now just allows changing the state to cancelled.
ACDefaultConfiguration *apiConfig = [ACDefaultConfiguration sharedConfig];
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: artikcloud_oauth)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
NSString* tid = @"tid_example"; // Task ID.
ACTaskUpdateRequest* taskUpdateRequest = [[ACTaskUpdateRequest alloc] init]; // Task update request
ACDevicesManagementApi*apiInstance = [[ACDevicesManagementApi alloc] init];
// Updates a task for all devices - For now just allows changing the state to cancelled.
[apiInstance updateTaskWithTid:tid
completionHandler: ^(ACTaskUpdateResponse* output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error calling ACDevicesManagementApi->updateTask: %@", error);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
tid | NSString* | Task ID. | |
taskUpdateRequest | ACTaskUpdateRequest* | Task update request |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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-(NSURLSessionTask*) updateTaskForDeviceWithTid: (NSString*) tid
did: (NSString*) did
deviceTaskUpdateRequest: (ACDeviceTaskUpdateRequest*) deviceTaskUpdateRequest
completionHandler: (void (^)(ACDeviceTaskUpdateResponse* output, NSError* error)) handler;
Updates a task for a specific device - For now just allows changing the state to cancelled.
Updates a task for a specific device - For now just allows changing the state to cancelled.
ACDefaultConfiguration *apiConfig = [ACDefaultConfiguration sharedConfig];
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: artikcloud_oauth)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
NSString* tid = @"tid_example"; // Task ID.
NSString* did = @"did_example"; // Device ID.
ACDeviceTaskUpdateRequest* deviceTaskUpdateRequest = [[ACDeviceTaskUpdateRequest alloc] init]; // Device task update request
ACDevicesManagementApi*apiInstance = [[ACDevicesManagementApi alloc] init];
// Updates a task for a specific device - For now just allows changing the state to cancelled.
[apiInstance updateTaskForDeviceWithTid:tid
completionHandler: ^(ACDeviceTaskUpdateResponse* output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error calling ACDevicesManagementApi->updateTaskForDevice: %@", error);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
tid | NSString* | Task ID. | |
did | NSString* | Device ID. | |
deviceTaskUpdateRequest | ACDeviceTaskUpdateRequest* | Device task update request |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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