- Install NodeJS (v17+)
- Install Typescript globally:
npm i -g typescript
- Install PKG globally:
npm i -g pkg
- Pull the repo:
git pull
- Initialize libs in the pulled repository:
npm -i
- Test the CLI app without building:
node -r ts-node/register cli.ts -i Sassafras
- Transpile typescript to javascript:
tsc --downlevelIteration cli.ts
- Build the binary for a specific platform:
pkg cli.js --targets node12-win-x64 --compress Brotli --output ./build/win64/rum-auctioneer-price-extractor.exe
- Extract data to format one time:
rum-auctioneer-price-extractor.exe get -i caroni -o ./corani.csv
- Launch micro server on port 8080 (http://localhost:8080):
rum-auctioneer-price-extractor.exe serve -p 8080