JavaScript bookmarklet to simplify the processes of having to append '' between URLs needing Harvard Site licensing (e.g. PubMed full text).
Visit to find the pre-compiled bookmarklet, ready for drag and drop. Otherwise compile the bookmarklet manually by following these steps:
Copy the following javascript code: javascript:location.assign(location.protocol+'//'+location.hostname+'';
Navigate to your browser's bookmarking utility and create a new bookmark, pasting the copied javascript code in the URL field. Name the bookmark appropriately and optionally place in the bookmark bar for convenient access.
Success; your bookmarklet should now run a JavaScript that will append '' between URLs needing Harvard Site licensing. Test it out at!
After saving the bookmarklet to the browser being used, when visiting a webpage needing Harvard PIN authentication, simply click on the bookmarklet to append the '' path to the URL and redirect you to the right page. This will redirect you through the Harvard PIN authentication if necessary.
- @gruber for his bookmarklet formatting script
- @mdo and @fat for their contributions to the Twitter Bootstrap framework
Copyright (c) 2013 Nikhil Srinivasan. Licensed under the MIT License.