This is a Clojure/Clojurescript implementation of Langton's Ant.
You may specify rules for up to 9 colors using "R" to indicate a right turn and "L" to indicate a left turn.
You can run the first 100 steps with Langton's original rules like this:
lein run -- RL --steps 100
Which will produce output like this:
Additionally, you can adjust the speed of the simulation by providing the amount of time to pause between each step (in milliseconds).
lein run -- <rules> --steps <steps> [--interval <msec>]
Start the file server:
lein figwheel
Then visit http://localhost:3449
The project uses Midje.
lein midje
will run all tests.
Ant image created by Lele Saa of The Noun Project, Creative Commons License 3.0.