Repo containing code to render templates/ads/splashes with variables provided from within DFP. This repo is designed so that the template code is version controlled while allowing DFP to manage only the variables passed into the templates.
To build:
npx webpack
# or
yarn build
To serve:
npx webpack-dev-server -w --disable-host-check --host= --mode development --open --hot --history-api-fallback
# or
yarn serve
The /src/templates
directory contains the top-level templates. These will map
one-to-one with "creative templates" that exist in DFP. Currently there are two
- Desktop and Mobile Splash
- Desktop Splash, Mobile Inset
Also coming soon is a Desktop and Mobile Inset template.
This displays an 800x600 overlay/splash on desktop widths (> 840px), and a 240x400 overlay/splash on mobile devices.
This also displays an 800x600 overlay/splash on desktop widths, but on mobile devices it displays an inset (i.e. a 100% width block that typically will be appended to the top of the page).
This particular inset uses a 400x240 image and has a background color for widths lower than 840px but higher than 400px, where the background behind the image will be visible.
These DFP templates are used with "Creative Templates" in DFP, which are found
in Delivery -> Creatives -> Creative Templates
To pull in a template, you need three things:
- The required variables for the template you're using (contained within a
) - A div with an ID of
that the bundle code will be injected into. - A
tag pulling in the js bundle this repo produces
As an example, here is the current Creative Template code for the Desktop and Mobile Splash
<script type="text/javascript">
window.DFP = {};
window.DFP.imageUrlDesktop = "[%DesktopImage%]";
window.DFP.imageUrlMobile = "[%MobileImage%]";
window.DFP.clickthroughUrl = "%%CLICK_URL_ESC%%[%ClickthroughURL%]";
window.DFP.templateName = "desktop-splash-mobile-inset";
<div id="dfp_splash_app"></div>
<script src="" type="text/javascript" defer></script>